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I opened my eyes, didn't move a muscle just layed there staring at my ceiling. What I would give to make my dreams come true. a lung, a kidney, my soul. I wish I could just hold my yoongi caress his small baby bump and tell him how grateful I am to be having a child with him. I wish it was all real.

I should probably start focusing on reality. I'm a single guy who lives in the apartment he bought with his ex then got cheated on by that ex in said apartmentand now he fantasizes about getting an underage boy pregnant. I should really start getting out there and dating again. Or I could consult an expert, I wonder if joon is busy.

Glancing over at my alarm, 7:00am is written in bold red. I get up and start getting ready for my classes. I need a night out with my hoes. Hoes as in joon and kook, I don't have hoes as you can see.  I should ask them. Taking out my phone I message the group chat.

Wassup my dudes, was wondering if you guys wanna have a gaming night at my place?

Bet I'm down

Yeah sure I have nothing to do

Alright my place at 8 tonight cause I got some shut to do before

Will do. see you guys at school

Shit it's a school day!?!

Why else would we be awake at this God awful hour!

I don't know! I was just going to head to bed.

I just laughed at the conversation. "Jungkook's going to be hella tired today." I said out loud. After I finish dressing I go to look for something to eat.

I really need to go grocery shopping. I think looking at the empty fridge with a sigh I close it. I guess I'm gonna have to eat at the cafe on the way to school. Grabbing my keys I lock up and head down to the parking lot.

Short filler
And the names...don't ask lmao

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