The Jungs2

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"So how old are you Yoongi?" Hoseok's mother asked.

"S-sixteen." the boy shyly said sipping his tea. Hoseok's parents looked at their son with an 'are you serious' look on their faces.

"Do you go to school?" It was his father's turn to ask.

"Yes, I'm going to be a junior this coming year." Mr. Jung nodded.

"How did you two meet?"

"Hobi came into my room at night and we played and did stuff, then baby hobi showed up *pats stomach* then jinnie and Namjoon hyung took me to a park then tada." Yoongi explained...well the best he could. Hoseok's parents looked at their son again but with an 'are you a pedophile or why haven't we gotten you checked' look.

"It's not like that exactly." Hoseok said saying no with his hands. "I know it probably sounds weird and unbelievable but he's my soul mate.. It happens when you turn 18 it's something called dreamshare, I didn't learn everything about it so don't ask too much."

"Okaaay sure." was all his dad said. Hoseok only sighed. He was never going to let Yoongi explain how they met ever again.

"Are you guys hungry?" Mrs. Jung asked breaking the awkward silence. Yoongi's eyes lit up at the mention of food.

"Yes!" he almost yelled Hoseok's mom chuckled at the energetic boy.

"Well you can come help me pick something to eat." immediately yoongi sprang off the couch and followed the lady into the kitchen leaving Hoseok and his father.

"Are you really going to take care of them?" his father asked.

"Of course. They're my responsibility."  the boy answered without hesitation.

"Good, he seems like a nice boy." Mr. Jung lightly smiled.

"He is." Hoseok smiled thinking about his little lover.

"I'm glad it wasn't that horrible girl." the older man made a face that made his son laugh.

"Me too appa."

"That's kind of why I behaved that way over the phone. I thought she was going to make you marry her then she'd have access to the family fortune. I couldn't say no to you either because you seemed like you loved her a lot."

"I did, but I love Yoongi way more. He was meant for me. Literally."

"Well take care of them son and if you ever need help tell us." he stood up and his son did the same. "I am so going to be the best grandpa ever." the old guy flipped his imaginary hair off his shoulder. Hoseok could only laugh. "Let's go see what our other halves are doing."

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