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"mommy~mommy~mom." yoongi yelled looking for his mom.

"What is it sweetie." she asked coming out of the kitchen just getting done with his breakfast.

"mom I'm not feeling good." he pouted.

"Oh sweetie maybe you're just hungry, why don't you eat then see how you feel." she said, leading him to the table. soon a plate of bacon, eggs, and french toast was set in front of him. even though the smell made his face scrunch in distaste he still attempted to eat it because he didn't want to hurt his mom's feelings. sadly he gagged and ran to the nearest restroom. His mother followed, worriedly rubbing his back as he puked. "you can stay home, i'll let the school know." She said, petting down yoongi's bed head. yoongi nodded with tears running down his pale face. After washing his face and brushing his teeth he went back upstairs to his room. Climbing under his thick green comforter, he drifted off to sleep while hugging Tuffy.





"Hoseok you coming?" Namjoon yelled through the door. He stayed over at Hoseok's apartment after he drunk called him last night.

"No! Can you get my assignments for me please~"

"Of course man. take some Advil and rest. See ya later." he said before he closed the front door. Once Hoseok did all that he layed down soon drifting off to sleep hoping to dream about his Yoongi. when he 'woke up' he found himself in the room that he knows so well. instead of it being dark outside it was bright and alive. 'well good change in scenery my dear brain' he thought. Seeing a lump under the green comforter a little smile played over his lips showing his dimples. Standing up from his sitting position he walked over to the boy.

"Yoongi..bubs..wake up baby." he whispered loud enough for the younger to hear and shook him a little. Yoongi whined a little peaking out from under his blanket.


"Hi sleepy head."

"Can we cuddle Hobi."

"Of course." Hoseok said climbing over the younger and layed by the wall. He pulled the younger close to him burying his face into the peach scented hair.  He let his arm wrap around the younger's waist. "My sweetheart is getting chunky." he teased letting out a light chuckle while the other giggled.

Just being in the older's embrace soothed yoongi's upset stomach. Soon they both fell asleep together.
"Yoongi. Sweetheart." A voice called out.

"Mm Momma." he called back.

"How are you feeling sweetheart?"

"I'm tired."

"Aw sweetie you can go back to sleep. Dinner will be in the microwave when you're hungry." his mom kissed him on the forehead and walked out of the room. Yoongi was so tired he didn't notice the boy was still behind him when he went back to sleep.

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