figure out

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Might be spelling errors

"W-what?" he was shocked did he hear that right. his innocent best friend was going to be responsible for a baby, a baby that you have to make by having sex. his child like best friend with another guy 'wtf' he was going to kill whoever did this to his baby well probably not kill, he wasn't a murderer, but shits gonna go down.

"Did he tell you who the father might be?" he asked

"no he just kept talking about his dream and someone he called hoseokie he said in his dream was the only time someone t-touched his big boy parts." she sniffled. Jim felt nothing but panic.'in his dream.' Just then Tae and Yoongi came down the stairs. "yoongi grab a coat you might get sick." 

"okay momma." he rushed back upstairs.

"Tae you alright you look like you seen a ghost."

"He said that he has a little person growing inside him."

"oh yeah..Ms.Min just told me about that."

"S-so he is?" Tae asked receiving a nod from Jin.

"Okay guys lets go!!" yoongi yelled running down the stairs.

"Yoongi be careful on the stairs!!" all three of them yelled. he sheepishly smiled.

"I sowwy."

"It's okay just be careful you don't want to hurt baby yoongi-"

"Baby Hobi." he corrected his mom. They all stared at him. 'ive heard that name before' jin thought. Yoongi then headed to the door with Tae following. 

"We'll try to find out what we can." Jin said to Ms.Min. she thanked him and they all said their goodbyes.

The three boys walked out and got into Jin's car. "So yoongi how long did the doctor say baby hobi was in there?" Jin asked as they got situated.

"about 2 and a half months." jin hummed in response to that.

"Is that when you did the nasties with Hoseokie?" he pushed the topic further. Yoongi's head snapped in his direction

"Who told you that?" he panicked, with blush on his cheeks. 

"Your mom and in order to have a baby you have to do that. So tell me about your Hoseokie."

"Only i can call him Hoseokie." Yoongi crossed his arms and pouted. "His name is Hoseok."

"ok ok, tell me about your Hoseok." Jin restated yoongi's face had a darker shade of blush and a shy smile from just thinking about the older boy.

" I don't kn-know where to start."

"Where do you usually see him?"

"M-my room."

"When did you guys meet?" he asked as he turned the wheel.


"How old is he?"


What!?" Tae piped in. And how old are you? sixteen. I'm gonna bust his balls." Taehyung threatened sitting back forcefully into the seat.

"You will not touch my Hoseokie, you butt face!" Yoongi yelled turning around ready to slap the older boy. It was most likely his hormones coming into play.

"Hey yoongi sweetheart calm down okay." Jin said patting down the younger's hair. He faced to the front, not forgetting to throw a glare at the boy in the backseat. soon they pulled up to the school and walked to yoongi's class to drop him off. "Tae come on, we need to talk."

"so you're telling me that this Hoseok guy is real and you know because you went through something similar." Tae recaps what Jin just told him.

"Obviously he has to be real, Yoongi is pregnant for God's sake, and yes that's how I met Namjoon. That Hoseok guy's birthday must have been in February cause you have to be 18 for it to happen." Jin rubbed his temples.

"What are we gonna do?"

"Well we'll have to keep asking questions till we can specify him."

"I hope this don't take a long time." Tae whined.

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