telling them

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"Hoseokie." Yoongi called out to the boy that was asleep on the floor by his bed. when he all of a sudden came into his dream he didn't know. The boy groaned and his eyes fluttered open. "get up hyung your back will ache if you stay down there." 

"okay okay." Hoseok sat up and lazily pulled himself onto the younger's bed. "I'm so fucking tired." his mouth got slapped by a little pale hand.

"Watch your language. if not then that means I can cuss too."

"I dare you too." hoseok says challengingly.

"Doo-doo head." yoongi gasped slapping his hands over his own mouth. the taller tried his best not to laugh at him but failed. "Hey! its not funny. I said a bad word."

"Hm maybe..I should...." Hoseok tapped his chin like he was thinking. "Punish you then." he immediately tackled the smaller down and tickled his sides.

"Ah Hobi s-stop!" Yoongi laughed trying to pry off the other's hands. "Hobi wait no." he said urgently remembering something very important.

"What what's wrong? Did I hurt you?" he sits back onto his heels.

"N-no but I have something to tell you."

"What is It bub?" the younger didn't know how to say it. So he used his actions. Grabbing one of Hoseok's hands he guided it down to his pudgy belly.

"There's a baby there." Hoseok eyes widened a smile stretched across his face. He immediately lifted up Yoongi's shirt carressing the soft skin of his belly. Gently he laid him down crawling between his legs positioning himself so his face was above
Yonngi's stomach.

"Baby, you're carrying a little life." he smiled. "It's our baby." he couldn't help but tear up, this little boy was who he'd want to stay with forever no matter what age it felt like they were destined to be together.

Hoseok groaned because of the light that was shining on his face He opened his eyes cautiously. The blank ceiling of his bedroom greeted him. He thought of his dream from last night. "I really wish you were real." he thought out loud. After his few minutes of sad time he got up and did his morning routine of getting ready for school.

"YOONGI! JIN AND TAE ARE HERE!" Yoongi's mom yelled from the kitchen. She let the two said boys in. "Morning boys, he's up stairs." she smiled softly softlythey greeted her back.

"Okay, I'm gonna go see him." Tae said running off up stairs.

"How are you Ms.Min?" Jin asked, starting a conversation. He seen her smile slightly falter.

"O-oh uh I'm f-fine."

"You sure? If there's anything I can do, just let men know." she nodded showing she understood.

"I-im just worried about my son."

"I'm sure Yoongi is perfectly fine Ms-"

"H-he's p-pregnant." she cut Jin off.


So I started another book it's basically a one shot book of different bts ships if you wanna check it out,be my guess its on this account(first chapter is up Its vmin). Okay bye bye.

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