BTS: Jungkook - Domiant

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I push open the doors leading into the strip club, Venus. I ignore the harsh smell of alcohol and smoke, heading towards the bar, my heeled boots clicking against the ground, my rose-gold hair moving wildly in the pony tail I pulled it into. I throw the other bartender a smile, grabbing a half apron, tying it around my hips, grabbing a pen and pad, shoving it into the pockets. A hand moves over my hip, the male bartender leaning into my body, lips by my ear.

"(The Boss will be here tonight,)" Jimin whispers into my ear, eyes darting around the building, it slowly filling up, music blaring throughout it, "(he's, well, he's a very serious and dominant person,)" I hum soflty, throwing the male a soft smile before nodding my head, moving to get to work, serving drinks for the next hour without any breaks, Jimin and I running up and down the bar, serving drinks. Jimin soon starts having to take drinks to the customers, clearly not liking the situation he is currently in. I've been working here for about a month or so, Jimin and I instantly clicking, even living close by to each other. Jimin hates attention, especially unwanted attention, so waitering is something he despises, but does so i don't have to deal with it, which is a sweet thing for him to do. I lean my back against the bar, a sigh leaving my lips as I finally get a break, my head snapping aorund, searching for the pink haired male I've come to think of as a close friend. I search through the large crowd, eyes narrowing as I finally spot the short male, body stiff, skin paler than normal. I shift aorund, pressing my thighs against the bar, sinking my teeth into my bottom lip as I watch the scene unfold. I was about to move around the bar when a male steps into my vision, stealing my attention away from my friend. The male looks me up and down, a smirk slowly growing on his lips, dark eyes darkening even more as he takes in my slightly slutty outfit, eyes dipping down my shirt before taking in the way my jeans form against my thighs.

"(Here you go Sir,)" Jimin's voice breaks me out of my thoughts, throwing me a stiff smile, eyes telling me everything I need to know, "(is there anything else you need?)" the male doesn't answer, instead drags his eyes over me one last time before leaving the bar, heading towards the back, where offices, and staff rooms lay.

"(Roe,)" I look over at the person calling for me, "(I wouldn't do this if I hadn't needed to, but I need you to fill in for one of the dancers,)" my breath hitches, eyes widening in shock, "(I promise you no will touch you, I will give you extra with your paycheck,)"

"(I-I-)" I whimper, stumbling after her as she drags me towards the back, my body starting to tremble in fear as memories surface. I close my eyes, fighting back the tears.

"(You can keep those jeans and boots on, they look hot, put this one underneath this,)" the older lady orders, making me obey with her authority. I put on the black leather bra, and the black button up, leaving the top buttons undone, allowing the women to pull my hair out, adding some makeup before ushering me up onto the stage. Music starts, my body moving easily out onto the stage, my attitude changing quickly as I look over the crowd of hungry gazes, lustful and disgusting ones. I sway my hips, moving my body seductively, moving slowly towards the pole. I grab it, walking aorund it before pressing my back against it, slowly moving down it, spreading my legs open. I move back up it, spinning around and dropping down once again, swinging my hips, causing my ass to shake. I hear whistles and slurs, my brain cutting off those as the music fills my veins. I fight back the memories, continuing to dance, pulling the top off as I was instructed to do, doing a few moves on the pole before I finish, heading back into the room, my body breaking down. I run a hand through my hair, whimpering softly, choking back the sob desperately trying to force it's way out. I throw my shirt back on, heading back to the bar, Jimin pulling me into a side hug before rushing around once again. I take the tray away from the male, heading out into the crowd. Once I empty the tray, I head back to the bar, only to be stopped, someone yanking me onto their lap. I gasp out, tears springing to my eyes as they start groping me roughly, lips landing on my skin, hands keeping my legs spread apart. I try to thrash around, tears falling down my cheeks, their touches burning my skin. A hand grabs my wrist, the hands keeping my legs open before lifted. I am yanked off the lap, my body hitting a rock hard wall, my eyes snapping up to the mysertious males, the Boss. His arm locks around my body, keeping me pressed against him.

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