BTS: Taehyung - School Of Kink

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I look down at the letter in my hand, said hand shaking with nerves. It's the acceptance letter, telling me that I have been accepted into the Universtiy I applied for, it was originally a joke, but I had done more research and realized how much it will give. I grab my laptop, setting it down on my lap, pulling up the website. I put in the information given to me in the letter. With my hands still shaking, I read through the messages before a window pops up, asking my major. I click on the tab, scrolling through the choices, clicking the one that is more me. Submissive. I continue putting more information in, clicking enter. A message pops up, saying I have been put into the system, and I am to report to the school on the date and time it says on the acceptance letter. I print the next letter off, putting it with my acceptance letter before I pick my phone up, calling Jungkook.

"Did you get accepted?"he questions, excitement in his voice. I grumble to myself, the male hearing it, "who knew this dare would become something you'd want,"

"Stupid Bunny," I grumble, "what did you chose?" I question, having not really known what the older male had chosen when he got accepted last year.

"What do you think you toad?"he grumbles, "Same as you I'm sure, submissive," I sigh in relief, hoping that's what he would say, "lucky for us, we get our own dorm, which includes a living room, bedroom and kitchen as well as a bathroom. Complete privacy,"

"That's good to hear," I hum, "i just put in my major, so I guess I should start packing and get on the road," I sigh, "is this a good idea?"

"Yes," he says before hanging up. I drop my phone, moving into my bedroom. I pack all my things, putting a couple pictures into my suitcase as well as my blankets into another bag, using my multi-tude of duffles.


I step out of the car, slamming the door closed, looking up at the University in shock. A low chuckle reaches my ears, my eyes snapping to Jungkook, who is taking our things out of the trunk. I move over to him, grabbing my duffles, him taking the suitcases. He takes me to the admissions office, the lady handing me my key as well as a map and my schedule. Jungkook leads me to the building, this university having multiple buildings housing students. Jungkook is thankfully in the same building as me, only a floor above me. He walks me out my dorm, helping me get into it.

"I'll leave you to unpack," he hums, kissing my head before leaving the room. I sigh, shoulders slumping as I start unpacking. Thankfully, I didn't have to buy anything for the kitchen, the school providing everyone I'll need. I unpack all of my things, finding a bunch of books in a couple boxes by the desk. I put everything away, the task taking an hour. I drop onto the bed, now decorated with a thousand pillows and my black and white bed spread as well as a bunch of blankets I own. I throw an arm over my face, sighing dramatically.

"I cna't believe I am at the School Of Kink," I say to myself, "this must be some sick joke someone is pulling, because I am actually happy, bunny help me," I sigh, getting off the bed. I grab my camera, plugging my headphones into my phone before shoving them into my ear. I grab my keys before leaving the dorm, heading out to the park area we passed coming here. I move towards it, humming along to the song blaring into my ears currently. I start taking some pictures, doing multiple of one shot, using different angles and filters to the get the right one. I move around, taking random pictures of the old buildings, and random people hanging around the campus. I take some pictures of the big fountain out front, stopping to admire the beauty of the school. I look down at my camera, pawing through the pictures I've taken so far, humming softly. My body hits a solid object, stumbling backwards. My eyes widen, lips parting. Arms shoot out, catching me before I could hit the ground. I am pulled up, my body hitting another's. I look up at the person, finding a handsome male holding me, his eyes looking down at me, face blank. I quickly look away, my shyness rushing through me as he holds my body. I step back, bowing obediently, "I'm so sorry, please forgive me," I keep my eyes on the ground, gasping quietly as fingers move under my chin, lifting my head to I meet his eyes. He hums in approval at my actions, a smirk on his lips. I gulp harshly, body shaking as he scans me.

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