BTS: Jungkook - Soulmates

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I run a shaky hand through my hair, rubbing my face harshly. I lean back against the wall, moving to rub Min-ya's back gently.

"(What am I going to do?)" she whimpers, "(I cant be pregnant,)"

"(This isn't your fault Min,)" I whisper, "(none of this is your fault,)" she turns to me, eyes red, tears dried on her cheeks.

"(It May not be, but I'm still the one suffering. What the hell is my soulmate going to think?)" she whimpers, rubbing the ink on my wrists softly. I sigh, cupping her face gently.

"(He will understand. He felt the pain you went through, he must know what happened,)"I whisper, "(and if he doesn't, I'll damn well make sure he will. I won't let anyone hurt you, ever again,)" she collapses into my arms, broken sobs leaving her lips. I cradle her to my body, eyes moving to the opened door, where Dad is. I shake my head, looking back down at the younger girl, "(let's get you to bad,)" I help her up, moving her to her bedroom. I look at her before shutting the light off, closing the door behind me. I move into the kitchen, taking the glass from Dad, downing the liquor quickly. I ignore the burning in my throat, setting the glass down before dropping my head into my hands.

"(Stop, I know what you're thinking,)" Dad sighs, "(this wasn't anyone's but that dicks fault. You can't change that,)"

"(DAD! If I wasn't being such a petty bitch Min-ya never would have been out there! She never would have been put into that situation. Now she's hating herself even more,)" I snap, "(What the hell am I going to do?)" my eyes lock onto the ink hidden under the loose fabric of my sweatshirt, my fingers moving to trace the name I've known for a couple months now.

"(Still haven't tried figuring out to contact him?)" I look up at the older male, shaking my head.

"(Too much is going on for me to worry about myself,)" I whisper, "(plus, there's no way I'd be able to talk to him, he's an idol,)"

"(You could always say your his soulmate,)" Dad comments. I roll my eyes, "(right,)" he sighs.

"(I'll be fine Dad. He doesn't need me,)"

"(And how do you know this? How do you know he doesn't need you? I know damn well I needed your mother. I still do need her. She is my everything. I can't imagine living without her, yet I am forced to make that a reality,)" Dad says, setting his drink down, "(doesn't mean you have to make it yours. I don't want to see you go through everything I am,)"

"(I know Dad. I know,)" I sigh, wiping away my tears.


"(Are you okay?)" Kai asks, eyes watching me carefully, "(you seem really distracted,)" I shrug, moving away from him to continue serving food and taking orders. I take a tray of food, one of the others helping. We hand them out before I move onto a corner booth.

"(Welcome, I will be your server today. Can I start you with any drinks?)" I say, voice full of no emotion.

"(A beer,)" one says, some of the others ordering the same thing.

"(Do you still need time to-)" I cut myself off as my eyes lock onto the man I never though I'd ever see, Jean Jungkook, "(-decide?)"

"(Could we get the appetizer special,)" an older male says, my head moving into a nod. I leave them, eyes moving to my wrist. This seriously can't be happening. I shake my head, putting in the order. I put the drinks onto a tray, heading back to the table. I hand out the drinks, before moving onto another of my many tables. I sigh as I move into the kitchen, grabbing the trays of food. I move back to the booth, putting the trays in an empty table. I hand out the food.

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