Finder's Keepers// Chapter 24

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Hi! So, technically, yes, the book is over. But you know how in the back of books, they have the first few pages of the sequel?

Well, in fact, Ponyboy and Johnny Cade-Curtis' (not married but act like they are bc they can't) book did extremely well, so they decided to write a sequel a good few years later. Only this time, Johnny wrote the book.

I, in fact, won't be writing a sequel right now, but there's a comforting factor in the thought that Johnny and Ponyboy did. It leaves a little something to the imagination.

Now, without further ado, the update on our favorite couple's life:

(also please keep in mind that yes, lots of things were ugly in the seventies lmao)

Finder's Keepers
Chapter 1

Johnny's POV

"Okay, okay, are you ready for this, Johnnycake?" I giggled as Ponyboy held my hand and led me through the hallway. We decided to play a game where I let him furnish the living room of our new house and he could show it to me when it was done.

"Can I open my eyes?" I asked, blindly stumbling around the furniture I didn't know existed. You can imagine the deal was a little difficult, since I couldn't look at our living room for a few weeks. But either way, he was excited about it and that's all that matters to me.

Suddenly this all felt familiar..


"Johnny, can I open my eyes, yet?"

"One second, baby.." I murmured, sitting down next to him on my roof. Mother and I had just moved in down the street from Ponyboy, and I could crawl out onto my roof from my room. The view of the stars from there was unobstructed and absolutely gorgeous, and I couldn't wait for Ponyboy to see it.

"Okay, now!" I grinned, watching his expression as he took his hand off his eyes. "Oh, Johnny.." he breathed, "it's beautiful.."  I smiled, my heart spinning at seeing his eyes light up like that. He looked back at me and kissed my forehead, while I blushed like crazy.


"Not yet... buuuut.." he paused, putting a hand on my shoulder to stop me from running into anything else, "Now!" I opened my eyes, waiting for them to adjust to the lighting.

I gasped, "Ponyboy-" There was a light in the arched doorway, and a hanging plant swinging next to the doorway. There was a bookshelf standing adjacent to the door frame, shelves filled with different books. The walls were painted a beautiful buttercup yellow, with a couch and a smaller chair sitting across the room from the TV. A small chestnut coffee table separated the two, along with a few pictures of us or stars or constellations hanging on the walls. The floor was a soft, beige carpet.

"We- we can always change things around.. if you don't.."

"I love it," I said, turning back to him and taking his hands into mine, "I absolutely love it."

Ponyboy smiled, clearly relieved. I leaned up and kissed him, soft and sweet. I tried not to smile too much and ruin the moment, but I couldn't help it. He laughed, and leaned down to just hug me instead. I wrapped my arms around him and rested my head on his shoulder, sighing happily.

"You know, I was.." I started to murmur, but paused out of embarrassment, "I was.. lost.. until you found me. I'm so lucky, Ponyboy. I'm so lucky i hit my head so hard." He chuckled, nuzzling his head into my neck.

"I love you," he sighed into my ear. I shivered, but grinned ear-to-ear. We'd said this hundreds of times, but it still made my heart race whenever he told me again.

"I love you, too. So much, baby.."

And we stayed like that. Loving each other and crying together and dancing and watching sunsets and stars and sharing everything and laughing and watching movies and making dreamcatchers. And I couldn't have been happier for it.

a/n: the end! I hope you liked it! if it wasn't clear, there will not be a sequel to this book (as of right now!!), but Johnny and Ponyboy wrote one in their universe ;) Johnny called it "Finder's Keepers",
Which is what I would've called it if I was going to write it. (It's what I almost called this one, actually!)

I love you all, and thank you for supporting me! I'll let you know as soon as the next book is out!

Also, happy early birthday TeaAndHamilton 😛🤟🏻🙄💕

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