Chapter 8

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Hey y'all! So this story still has a few plot holes and kinks I'm trying to work out, but it's coming together nicely!

Let me know if you find any mistakes, enjoy!

(also check out my new journal book for updates on stories and my personal life!)

Ponyboy's POV

"I'm so sorry, Pone.." the voice whispered. I wanted to open my eyes, but I froze. Fear flowed through my veins for a split second, before a weird familiarity overtook it, leaving me confused, but not terrified.

"I never wanted to leave you.. I'm sorry." The owner of the whisper pressed their lips against my cheek. At least I think they did. I wanted to reply, but the words wouldn't come. I couldn't move.

The whisper sounded so familiar, but I just simply couldn't place my finger on who it belonged to.

I heard what sounded like a pen against paper. Then footsteps. It sounded distant, though. Too distant to be real.

The footsteps faded away, and I kept my eyes shut.

I'm just imagining things, I thought, as my consciousness began to slip, and I descended deeper into the comfort of sleep.

I woke up to a familiar yell.

"Ponyboy, get up! You'll be late for school!" Undeniably Darry's voice. I groaned, forcing myself to sit up right.

I stretched for a moment, before tearing myself away from the warm sheets, and toward the shower.

My mind usually doesn't have the energy to wander in the morning, but I couldn't stop thinking about that weird dream. Must've been a dream, anyway. No random people are just gonna waltz in our house and start talking.

I sighed, switching the water off and grabbing a towel.

I ran a hand through my wet hair, ruffling it with the towel, as if it would just dry to the touch.

I sighed again, as if to sigh out all my worries, and started making my way back to me and Soda's room and pulling on some jeans, a shirt and a purple-gray-ish sweater, with white converse.

I finally had the chance to look around for real, now that I was awake enough to actually open my eyes.

A little piece of paper sat on the table next to our bed. It looked like some words were messily scrawled all over it. I blinked, rubbing my eyes before taking a second glance. Surprisingly, it was still there. I made my way over to the note, as quiet as a mouse, as if I would scare it and it would run away.

I picked up the crumpled paper, and began to read the lopsided writing:


I'm sorry I had to leave you. I shouldn't have come in the first place. It was just trouble, for you and for me, and for everyone.

Don't come looking for me. Please. It's for your own good. I can't tell you why I had to leave so quickly, but I just want you to know that I'm okay, and I'll be okay. I'm just gonna miss you.

At the very bottom, it looked like a closing word had been crossed out. Next to the scribbled out word,

Your buddy, Johnny.

Had been written.

My mind started racing. Johnny left? Why would Johnny leave?

I flipped over the note, frantic for more of that lopsided writing. There had to be more. He couldn't leave me- us- with that.

Tiny as ever, scribbled down in the corner, clearly meant to have been erased, were the words '34 West Brook Street'.

An address.

It was faint, but it was enough.

A knot started forming in my stomach, and without a second thought, I burst out running down the stairs, through the kitchen, (despite Darry telling me to stop) and out the door.

I didn't bother to shut the door behind me, just kept running. The only thing I could think was Find Johnny.

Johnny came on a freight. I'll take a freight to find him. I'll get to Windrixville and I'll bring him back.

Eventually, my breath caught in my throat, and my feet began stumbling over each other. I slowed down, only to be slammed into by Sodapop and Steve.

"What're you doing running out here, all by your lonesome?!" Steve questioned, putting his hands on his hips.

"Yeah, Pony, where you goin'? Why'd you run out like that?" Soda asked, resting his hand on my shoulder. He was gasping for breath between words. Soda was fast, but he didn't run too often.

"Johnny.." I gasped out. "Gone.. Left.. Freight to.. to Windrixville.." I managed, coughing into the crook of my elbow.

Soda shot Steve a confused glance, before looking back at me sympathetically.

"Johnny... left?"

I nodded, too out of breath to do anything else.

"L-left this.. note.." I managed. My hands shook as I held out Johnny's note for them to read.

Steve came up next to Soda, and grabbed the note from me.

"Put a.. an address.. on the back.."

Their eyes darted across the paper, as I was finally able to catch my breath. More or less.
Steve flipped the paper over, jabbing his finger towards the address written in the corner.

"I.. I need.. I need to find him.." I stated, causing my breathing to speed up again.

Soda's gaze seemed to burn right through me. He bit his lip, before whispering something to Steve. Steve nodded, and took off back towards the house.

"C'mon Ponyboy. You and I are going to Windrixville."

Lost & Found// Johnnyboy [𝕔𝕠𝕞𝕡𝕝𝕖𝕥𝕖𝕕]Where stories live. Discover now