Chapter 5

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hi everyone! welcome to chapter 5!

I'm sorry if this chapter is a little choppy, I couldn't focus completely while I was writing it, cause I was trying to multitask again lmao

Let me know if you see any mistakes, enjoy!

Johnny's POV

"Can you speak any other languages?"

I nodded, biting my bottom lip. "Italian. I used to take it at my old school.." I didn't tell him I was born there, though. I don't know why, I guess I just.. didn't want him to know.

A smile jumped onto Pony's face, and a spring snuck into his step.

"Perfect. We'll say you're an Italian exchange student, and that your paperwork just couldn't get through." I nodded, comprehending the whole thing. Would they really buy that? I mean, school security isn't great these days, but that seems dangerous.

"..You sure they'll buy it?"

Pony hesitated for a moment. "..Yeah. Yeah. They will."

I nodded, sniffling against the strong January breeze. I had to reach up and fix my hair every two seconds, thanks to that same breeze.

We were on our way to his school. He told me that since winter break was ending, he had to go back to school, but he didn't wanna leave me alone all day. He said I could go to school with him if I wanted. I did. Now I'm not so sure.

I shivered, as he began to explain to me how we were gonna get into classes together. After a few minutes, we came up on the path up to the school. It was much nicer than my own, back in Windrixville. It had bricks that weren't crumbling, a path that wasn't made of gravel, and students that didn't look too awful. Yet.

"Pony.. you know you don't have to do all this for me.. right?" I asked, pausing while he reached for the door handle.

"Oh, Johnny, I know. I want to, though, because I like your company." He met my eyes with a smile. My cheeks burned, so I, quick as ever, grabbed the doorknob, opened the door for him, and stepped behind it. I swallowed thickly, as if to down my blush.

"Let's go then, lover boy." I choked out, running a free hand through my hair. He chuckled, stepping in.

I took a quick deep breath, stepping in behind him and shutting the door behind us.

"Full name?" The front desk lady asked, glancing at me over her glasses. She seemed bored. I think I would be, too, if I had her job.

"Uhh.. Johnathan Andrew Cade." I replied, thickly coating my words with the Italian accent I'd worked so hard to get rid of. Rocking back and forth on my heels, I chewed my bottom lip, mumbling to myself when I tasted copper. I've gotta stop doing that, I thought. My lips are all chewed up, and I might need them someday.

Her hands flew over the keyboard, giving me a second to glance at Ponyboy. He looked nervous, too. I wondered if he was worried that she would find my information from Windrixville, too.

To our luck, she just looked back up at us. "Duration of stay?" She asked.

"io non.. I mean.. I don't know, yet.." I murmured. I saw Pony look at me in the corner of his eye and shoot me a quick wink.

"Alright.. would you like the same schedule as Mr. Ponyboy Curtis?"

I shot Ponyboy a glance that asked 'is that okay?'

He nodded.

"Yes, please."

"56.. 56.. here it is!" Ponyboy exclaimed, pointing to the locker they assigned me.

I just couldn't help but stare at the hallways in awe. My old school didn't even have lockers, we had to carry our bags all day. It was just a little farming town, after all. Lately, I've been wondering when I'll have to go back, though.

"Wow," I whispered, when I finally turned around to take a look at the polished navy blue lockers.

"Have you ever opened a locker before?" Pony asked, as I reached up to spin the lock. I shook my head, and handed him my schedule.

He glanced at the clock on the wall before looking down at the number scrawled on the paper.

".. 36.. 19..and 40." He murmured, as his eyebrows knitted together, and his tongue stuck out just a little from between his lips. Ponyboy reached up, and turned the lock right, left, then right again.

The door popped open, earning a jump from me, and a few glances from students walking down the hallway.

"There it goes," Pony said, smiling, before shutting it again.

I tried the combination a few times, but to no avail.

"Here, I got you." Pony said, putting his hand on top of mine, after handing the paper back to my free hand. I swear a fire ignited the second he touched me. "Turn it to 36.." he mumbled, guiding my hand. "Then 19.. and finally 40."

The metal door door swung open. I grinned, casting my gaze towards Pony.

"It opened!" I exclaimed, grinning.

He nodded, "You did it!"

I giggled, and I could almost say for sure I saw the shade of his face deepen, even if it was just a little. Maybe I'm imagining things.

"So.. if we have the same schedule, that means you have biology first."

I nodded, glancing down at the paper in my hands.

"C'mon, I'll show you where it is," Ponyboy said, grasping my hand, as he carefully led me down the hallway, weaving through slow-walking people.

I smiled, squeezing his hand. I'll bet it went unnoticed, but it was enough for me.

a/n: sorry this was a bit of a filler chapter! We have exciting things coming up next, so brace yourselves!

Lost & Found// Johnnyboy [𝕔𝕠𝕞𝕡𝕝𝕖𝕥𝕖𝕕]Where stories live. Discover now