Chapter 6

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hey y'all! welcome back to chapter 6! I
procrastinated writing this for forever, so I'm finally getting around to it w my lazy ass.

(edit: in reality I didn't write this until like 2 seconds before posting it whOops)

Anyway, let me know if you see any mistakes, and enjoy!

Ponyboy's POV

"You okay, Johnnycake?"

Johnny looked back at me, with his big black eyes. "New nickname?" He asked, humor dancing between the shades of hazel and black in his eyes.

I hesitated, just for a moment, before nodding.
"If you like it,-"

"I like it." He replied, a small smile residing on his lips as he shoved his hands in his pockets, all the while locking his eyes onto his shoes.

We were headed back to my house. School had just ended, and Johnny was being even more quiet than usual. We'd gotten to spend the whole day together, though, and it was one of the best I've had in a while.

"And.. yeah. I'm 'aight. Just a little overwhelmed is all. Nothin' to worry 'bout." I could tell he was tired. His accent was slipping back into his voice. Not exactly southern, but definitely more southern than Italian. But more than anything, a little bit of adorable in there.

But I didn't tell him that. All I did was nod. It was understandable, anyway. I mean, Windrixville's just a little farming town. Hell, maybe it's even peaceful.

But I don't think so. No, not based off that scar Johnny's got, it's no peaceful place. But I don't know for sure. I haven't exactly asked where the scar is from, he could've just tripped and scraped his cheek on a rock for all I know.

"I understand. I mean, Tulsa's crowded.. and full of no good Socs," I said, scrunching up my nose. It occurred to me that Johnny might not know what a soc is. (white trash w mustangs and madras)

He's a grease, though, that I know. Not to be confused with a hood, no, greasers and hoods aren't the same thing, like some socs prefer to think. And Johnny's too sweet to be a hood, in the first place.

If he didn't understand, he didn't show it. He just nodded, and kicked a rock down the sidewalk.

"We had socs in Windrix, too." He began, sighing, and shifting his gaze onto the trees in the distance. "Always messin' with the greasers. If.. if they have greasers 'round here, too." He glanced at me, and I nodded.

"Shoot, I'll say."


I set down my pencil on my sketchbook, biting the inside of my cheek in thought.

"Hey, Johnny?"


"Do you like.. stars?"

Johnny closed his book, and seemed to consider it for a moment.

"Yeah. A lot, actually.." He murmured, smiling sheepishly. "I didn't have much else to do back home."

I took a deep breath, before saying "I wanna show you somethin'" and taking his hand and leading him out the bedroom door, through the house and onto the porch. We didn't stop, though. I led him across the street, through the trees, and finally to that familiar clearing, the lot.

It was only then I got the chance to look up. Thousands- I couldn't have counted- maybe even millions of stars dotted the dark sky. It was around 9, nearly 10, so the moon was bright and prominent against the shadows.

I glanced over at Johnny. His eyes twinkled- or maybe it was just the light reflecting off of them, but I would swear on my life they shone brighter than anything when he looked up.

And he smiled. God, that damned smile.

His bright eyes darted over in my direction, and he pointed up at the sky, "Look at it, Pony.." he whispered breathlessly.

I quickly averted my gaze, and let it wander between the stars again.

"It's beautiful.." I whispered in return.

We stood for a few more moments, before I made my way over to the car in the best condition of them all, and grabbed a small book off the seat.

Johnny's curious and currently illuminated eyes drifted towards the book I held, and I ushered him over to sit next to me.

He shuffled over, and peered over my shoulder at the cover.

"An astrology book! I didn't know you were into that," He murmured, and I felt heat rise into my cheeks.

"Y-yeah.. nobody knows, but I figured if I was going to tell anyone, it was gonna be you," I stammered, sheepishly smiling. "It was the book I came here to get, but found you instead.."

Johnny smiled sweetly, and rested his chin on my shoulder, as I began to flip through the pages. I couldn't help but tense up. I hadn't meant to, but I wasn't sure why now my hands were quivering as I flipped from page to page.

I frowned, at the sound of a car engine going by and interrupting our peace. Lucky for us, it stopped just soon after. [ ;) ] We landed on a horoscope page, after a few moments.

"What's your sign, Johnnycake?"

"..Pisces, I think... What's yours?"

"I'm a Cancer," I replied, as we both read through our sign advice. I flipped the page, only to be met with the sign compatibility levels.

My vision swept over the page, only to end up on Cancer and Pisces compatibility. I knew Johnny had seen it, too. I skimmed over the words, and my jaw nearly dropped at the number written below the words.

92%, it said.

I was 92% compatible with Johnny Cade.

I quickly flipped the book shut, accompanying the sound with a nervous laugh.

"..Compatibility... crazy, right? That the stars can tell all that?" Johnny whispered, never once lifting his chin off of my shoulder.

I nodded, as the color returned to my face, and setting the book next to us. "You bet.."

What felt like years and lots of whispering later, Johnny sat up straight, and stretched.

"Do you think we should head back? Gettin' late.."

"Yeah," I replied, letting myself stretch as well. "Don't want anyone to be worryin'."

And with that, we got up, and set off on our way back. While we were walking, I did notice a car parked in front of the lot that wasn't there before, but I didn't think much of it.

Maybe it was there before, I couldn't really remember. But either way, it didn't seem too suspicious, so I didn't bring it up to Johnny.

As we slipped into the house and up to my room, I couldn't stop that number from racing around in my head.

I stole a quick glance at Johnny.

92%. I was 92% compatible with this sweet, curious-eyed boy.

a/n: ssksksk sorry this was again kind of a filler chapter but it's over 1k words so I tried to make it interesting! the next chapter is d r a m a , so be ready for that, my drama lovers! thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed!!

Lost & Found// Johnnyboy [𝕔𝕠𝕞𝕡𝕝𝕖𝕥𝕖𝕕]Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя