Chapter 13

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TW: angst and cursing.

enjoy, my lovely readers!

note: a few perspective changes! wanted to try to give y'all a view into Pony's head!

Ponyboy's POV

"A dreamcatcher?" I asked, weaving the yarn through the ring attached to the hoop of my craft.

Johnny nodded, trying to suppress an obvious smile. "That's right- a dreamcatcher," he replied, expertly tying together a knot. "Legend goes that the good dreams can go through and the the bad dreams'll get caught." He pulled the strings, securing the knot.

"Hang it above your bed and it'll supposedly stop the nightmares from coming."

( a/n: pb has other things that can be in his bed to stop the nightmares if you know what I'm saying ;) )

I struggled, my fingers stumbling over the strings. "Did- did it ever work for you?" I asked him, finally able to grasp a singular string.

He shrugged, sighing lightly. "Maybe- maybe not. Could've been me just believing that it would. Guess that's all it needs," he replied with a sheepish smile. Johnny picked up the scissors, snipping off the excess string. Once I'd finally been able to muster up a knot, I did the same.

Johnny held it up to the moonlight, positioning it just so that the moon would shine through, illuminating his mocha skin and black eyes. I smiled at the sight of his tongue sticking out of his mouth the slightest bit.

He sure could be cute sometimes. Or all the time.

His gaze wandered back towards me, almost as if he was just remembering that I was there. I hastily wiped the absent-minded smile I'd subconsciously worn off my face.

"..How 'bout we take a walk in the park?" I suggested, carefully picking up my dreamcatcher.

"Sure, I'd love to," Johnny responded, snagging his as well. He tossed his through the crack in the door, and I followed suit.

I carefully pulled the door shut and hopped off the porch, starting towards the park, Johnny not far behind.

I sighed, only now realizing just how late and cold and dark it was. Luckily, I'd fallen asleep last night with a sweatshirt on and had worn it out, same with Johnny and his jeans jacket.

I still shivered though, clenching my teeth to keep them from chattering. Johnny shuddered, too, and we huddled up closer together.

Once we'd reached the park, we found a nice open space of grass, which luckily, wasn't wet from the rain we'd been deprived of for the last few weeks.

No one else was at the park, maybe since it was probably 4 in the morning, but we were lucky to be all alone.

My heart beat heavily in my chest, as we eased down onto the grass, staying close together.
For warmth, of course.

I tore my eyes off my worn-down shoes, finally taking in the grandness of the stars so early in the morning. They shone bigger and brighter than I'd ever seen before; even when Johnny and I had stayed out late to see them all those weeks ago.

Johnny let out a shaky breath, and I followed his gaze. He wasn't looking at the stars though, he was squinting at the line of trees across the clearing.

"..Johnny..? Something wrong?.." I asked, as my hand jumped to his shoulder.

He hesitated, shaking his head. "..Uh- Nah, everything.. everything's fine.." Johnny replied, "Don't worry about it." He shot me a little smile.

Lost & Found// Johnnyboy [𝕔𝕠𝕞𝕡𝕝𝕖𝕥𝕖𝕕]Where stories live. Discover now