Chapter 10

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Johnny's POV

I slipped in the front door, twisting the knob before I pulled it shut, wincing when it creaked.

I glanced into the living room, seeing the silhouettes of my parents sitting in front of the television. It didn't look like anyone had noticed. I was safe. For now, anyway.

It was evening by now, I'd spent the afternoon up on the hill, near the church.

Ever since getting home last night- er- early this morning, I've been trying to avoid spending time here. I mean, obviously, I don't wanna get yelled at and hit around.

The only reason I came home in the first place was because my father had caught me outside of the Curtis house, smoking rings on the porch, and had forced me to return home. How the hell he knew where I was, or was there WITH me, I've no idea in hell, but he was.

He told me I had to be home every night, before 9:00, or else. Just so I wouldn't try to run off again.

It's all bullshit, though. He's only making me stay here to torture me. He knows I wanna be in Tulsa with Ponyboy.

I shook my head, creeping along the shadowy walls and slipping past my doorframe, into my haphazard room.

I gingerly pushed my door shut, glancing at my clock. 8:29pm. Around a half hour until he would come into my room to check if I was obeying his rules.

I fell backward onto my rock-hard bed, letting out a sigh. I grabbed my- well, not mine, exactly- Gone With The Wind book off my table. I'd nabbed it from the Curtis living room and had been skimming it and smoking a little on their porch, like I said, around 2 or 3, when.. I had to split.

I'd left it on the porch when I went to write the note, and had just grabbed it when my father was pulling me off. I'd meant to return it, I promise. The opportunity just didn't arise. Or I just missed it, but nonetheless I guess it was mine until further notice.

I snaked a hand through my curls, flipping open to someplace in the middle. I wasn't a great reader, nor did I have an extremely long attention span for reading, but it would be worth a shot.

A few minutes escaped me, before I heard a tapping on my window. Confused as to why something'd be at my window at almost 9pm, I tried to glare through the darkness, but 9:00 in late January is pitch black. I flipped my window lock, hiking my window up a foot or two.

I leaned out of the window, just about losing my balance when I saw the face of the person I'd least expected to see.

"Ponyboy?! What are you doing here?!" I exclaimed, steadying myself on the windowsill.

A grin spread across his freckled face. "Hey there, Johnny," he said, "I missed ya."

"I missed you too- but lord, what're you doing in Windrixville, Pone? I didn't expect you to-"

"I know, I know, but I just.. I just needed to get you back- see you, at least," He murmured, a much more solemn expression spreading across his face. His green eyes dropped, only to find their way back up to me again. "I saw the address on the back."

I'd nearly forgot I'd written that there. I'd mostly erased it after some thought, though, half-hoping he'd never see it.

Before I had time to protest, Soda cut in, "Hey, Johnny!" he exclaimed, interrupting my thoughts as he appeared out of the shadows.

"Hey, Sodap-"

"Who you talking to, Johnathan? Sneaking friends, are we?" My fathers voice boomed from down the hallway. He sounded almost amused. Footsteps echoed off the wooden floors, leading towards my room.

Lost & Found// Johnnyboy [𝕔𝕠𝕞𝕡𝕝𝕖𝕥𝕖𝕕]Where stories live. Discover now