"you know your words should be more heartfelt than cheesy, don't tell her the color of her eyes, you should tell her something more like you mean alot to me, words cannot really describe what I feel towards you, thank you for been there for me when i had no one with me, thank you for been a friend, a best friend, I cannot thank you enough, something heartfelt, I dont think arshlee likes too much of cheese, does she?"


The sadness drained through her rather than skating over her skin, it travelled through every cell of hers to reach the ground, each fiber, nerve and vein in her body was aching in defeat, distress, sadness and discomfort.

She felt pitiful.

She wanted to filter every feeling of discomfort she felt, yet strangely enough, she couldn't.

It was an unforgiving pain.

"Why don't we get going? It's-quite-- late" her voice broke towards the end, but she walked away still not facing him, not turning back, she knew if she added any fake act, she would break down completely, she walked to where her shoes were, she slipped them and walked faster than Farouk towards the car.

What an early night of 6th july brought,

Now what? Would he set her free? Or would she be a first wife to him?

Would he not care for her again and would everything be over then between them?

Should that be it?

Silence was heard as their ride back home started, she was too occupied in her thoughts to realize that Farouk also was lost in his own world of thought, a night started with a sprinkle of magic ended with the dust of pain, a magical fairy like night ended not just the right way,

Her mind trailed back, to where it all started, to the beginning of it all,

January, 2010,
Abuja, Nigeria.

Would it just be normal to walk up to an entire stranger and agree to a lifetime commitment?

Was it okay to say yes with no proper background checking about the guy in question?

Was it a modest norm to run off to a faraway land, away from the country called home, with an unknown man?

Muneenah had spent the whole week praying for guidance from her lord, praying for protection against her enemies, against sediq.

She could not come up with a better solution, she didn't want to think of what would happen if sediq actually got to her, things would be messy, in her mind she knew death might perhaps be better than been in the den of sediq once again.

But marriage didnt just happen that way, parents approval, consent of both parties, mutual agreement, love, understanding, trust, mutuality, compatibility...things she had never once thought of with a stranger was what was been proposed to her,

She knew it wouldn't take long before sediq found out of her whereabout, what if this was God sending her an escape route? But how could she jump into something she wasn't sure about.

The man who proposed the deal named Farouk had gave her a month to think about it, she found it unsettling, strange, and not okay.

But again, she knew all that mattered to sediq was her signature against those papers her mother had suffered for, she knew what mattered to him was the effort of her father, she couldn't let that go, because even if she did, sediq wouldnt end it there..he wanted more than just property papers and documentaries, he wanted something she wouldnt give him by her free will .

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