Chapter Ten

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Chapter Ten
The Port Angelos Incident
Grace Cullen

"Wow, are you trying to get me drunk tonight?" Charlie teased me after opening his front door to find I had a twelve pack of his favorite beer and a pizza for him.

"Maybe." I teased him, kissing him before going to set everything down in the kitchen. "Isn't drunk sex the best kind?"

"I don't think that's a thing." He shook his head, laughing at me as he took a slice of pizza from the box.

"Are you sure? I'm sure I've read that somewhere." I laughed, taking a seat at the table.

"Pretty sure." He chuckled. "Between the two of us, I think I would know."

"True, it's been three hundred and sixty six years since alcohol has effected me. And even then that was only at communion." I smiled. "It's ridiculous to think I was a nun." I smirked at him.

"Very." Charlie laughed and I hit his arm playfully. "Ow, geez, I get it. Don't make fun of the preachers daughter." He rubbed his arm in pretend hurt.

"So, what's Bella up to this evening?" I asked him.

"She went to Port Angelos with some girls from school. They wanted to look at prom dresses early." He replied.

"Prom dresses?" I smiled. "Bella's going to prom?" I asked excitedly.

"No." He laughed. "She's too shy for that. She's just going because the girls asked her to go with them."

"Who all is going?" I asked him.

"Jessica Stanley and Angela Webber." He replied.

"Oh, well Angela is sweet. I'm not too sure about her being around Jessica though. She's worse than Rosalie." I grumbled.

"Oh really?" He smiled at me sweetly. "When did you turn into a Mama Bear?" He teased me.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to overstep." I apologized. "Funny, Emmett calls me that."

"I'm actually kinda touched." He smiled, reaching over to grab my hand. "You taking such an interest in Bella."

"I know I'm nowhere near a mother figure to her, she doesn't even know we're dating, but I'm kinda excited to have a daughter after having two boys for so long." I squeezed his hand.

"So why does Emmett call you Mama Bear?" He questioned me.

"Well, Emmett was changed after being mauled by a bear while he was hiking. It was kind of a sick joke at first but it stuck." I laughed grimly.

"That's rough." He shook his head. "Mauled?"

"Unrecognizable." I frowned. "Rosalie was drenched in blood. I thought she had attacked him until I recognized the bears claw marks. She knew he was her mate, and so I had no choice but to change him."

"Couldn't your brother do it?" He asked me.

"He could've, but he was at the hospital and I was there in the living room. I had only changed Edward, Esme and Rosalie were Carlisle's, and so I went ahead and did it. I couldn't let Rosalie suffer for the rest of her existence." I explained.

"It's really that painful?" He questioned.

"What would you do if I told you I wanted nothing to do with you anymore, got up, and left never to be seen again?" I asked him in return and he recoiled in pain. "See? It's painful for you to even think about, let alone face head on, and vampires experience much stronger emotions than humans. We have one track minds."

"I can't even imagine that." He shook his head. "I need a drink." He laughed, standing and getting a beer off the table.

"Anyway, back to Bella. I would be careful about letting three young girls go off alone like that. You never know what can happen in that town." I worried.

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