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   suddenly I hear shouting. The valgarf lunges at me and I’m pinned down by its weight. I’m struggling and fighting, punching its head and kicking its stomach, with no seeming effect. The doors burst open and Roman and Peter run in, they both freeze, with faces of terror, when they see the situation.

The wolf puts its mouth around my neck and I don’t dare move. I just wait for the bite.

“Any closer and I let her die.” Andy says stepping out of the shadows.

“You son of a bitch!” Roman yells, Peter holding him back. “Let her go!”

“What do you want" I say holding the wolf’s mouth, as if I could possibly stop this thing from ripping my head right off.

“I want you. Alive or dead. I get your blood either way.” He shrugs.

“No.” I say flatly. I see Roman and Peter, looking panicked.

“Fine. Die then, and Roman and peter can watch.” He says something in a different language. The wolf starts to bite down.

“NO!” we all scream at once. This is not how I should die I think to myself crying.

I use every muscle in my body to try and stop the wolf.

I think about everything I’ve survived up to this point all I’ve been through. “I havnt made it this far to die like this!” I yell, suddenly fuled by pure rage. I twist the wolf off of me by its jaws and some how manage to toss it across the room. I look at Andy and his eyes are wide in shock. I run at him and tackle him to the ground. Throwing punches and elbows as hard as my body will let me. Next thing I know Peter’s pulling me off of Andy and I start kicking and screaming.

“LET ME GO! ILL FUCKING KILL HIM!” He holds me tight as Roman walks up to Andy and takes over. He pulls him up to his feet.

   Andy’s face is already wrecked. His nose is split open and crooked, his cheeks are swollen and bleeding his eyes are hardly open his lips split down the corner. Roman looks at him. “Look at me.” Andy’s head drops as hes in and out of consciousness. he shakes him and slaps him. “LOOK AT ME" Andy’s eyes barely open. “stay away. Or I’ll let her kill you.” He shoves him back and he just drops to the floor Peter let’s go of me and I run to Roman. He hugs me and looks at my knuckles. They were bruised and bloody. We walk out to the car.

“What happened to the wolf?” I ask calmed down.

“After you tossed it like a piece of trash it took off..” Peter says. Peter peeks around the back seat at me and Roman looks over.

“How did you do it?” Roman ask.
I sigh. “honestly… luck? I was so angry. . I have no idea how I did it… but I was so angry.” I close my eyes. Trying to relax.  I open them and see the boys exchange a glance in the mirror. I ignore it.

We drop Peter off and he tells me he wants me to see Destiny tomorrow. I agree and we go home. I walk up to the second story, ready to go to my room when Roman pulls me in to his.

“Sit and wait.” He says. I don’t question him. He walks in to his bathroom and I hear water running. A while later her calls me in. Hes got candles lit and a hot bubble bath. With a bottle of scotch sitting on a tray along with a few white lines, I presume to be coke. I smile and strip down. Hes watching me intensely. I walk to the tub, where hes sitting on the edge and he touches my hip. I flinch little as it hurt I look down and see a big purple bruise. He helps me in the tub and I sigh. The hot water feels amazing on my soar body. I put my hair up and lean back. Roman strips down pours to glasses of scotch and climbs in the other end so hes facing me. I put my feet on either side of him, so my legs are on top of him. He hands me the glass and I smile.

“Roman. I love you.” 
He smiles and looks me right in the eyes. “I love you too.”

I sigh and drink some and look at the window sill next to the tub theres a couple of joints I take one and light it with a candle. I hit it a few times and hand it to Roman.

“What did he mean he wanted my blood Roman.. and he said something similar in the ally at the skating rink.” I look at him silently pleading for an answer.

“I think hes an Upir too… and though I’m not exactly sure still what that means well figure it out.” He grips my hand I squeeze back.

“ But when you said you can smell blood and sometimes crave it, does that mean your like a vampire?” I say playing with the bubbles and taking the joint back.

“I mean… I guess. Yeah.” He says thinking. With a grin.

“That’s kind if hot.” I say half joking.
He smiles at me and runs a hand on my thigh. I grin and hand him the joint. 

We spend a while in the bath before going to bed. And I couldn’t help but think, what happened early. How did I throw that thing off of me… and how much anger do I have inside of me… I had nightmares through out the night.

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