Daegal looked amazed and surprised at what he just witnessed. The bandits fearfully retreated away from Merlin and Daegal back into the darkness of the night.

Merlin glanced at Daegal " Let's go"

The two finally reached Camelot the following morning.

Merlin was still limping and lent against a tree in pain.

" You have magic, Merlin"  Daegal muses

"Yes" Merlin sighed

"And you live in Camelot. Does anyone know?" Daegal asked

"Only Gaius and the princess" Merlin sat down on the floor to check this wound.

"The princess knows but not Arthur?!" Daegal questioned in shock.

"No! And if he ever found out, he'd probably hang me." Merlin replied

"But you still help him"

"I have to. It's my job."

"But he would kill you"

"In his heart, he's a good man. And I know one day he'll bring about a world we all dream of" Merlin contained to check his leg.

"It must be hard," Daegal said

It was silent for a minute as Merlin was finishing checking his leg.

"How did the Princess find out about your magic?" Daegal asked

"I um, I used my magic to protect her and Arthur and she saw me" Merlin replied with a smile.

" And she didn't tell anyone? Not even the king, her own brother?"

Merlin shook his head and chuckled before he started struggling to get up.

" Merlin, you may be a warlock, but you need that treated. I'll help you. Please" Daegal begged

Merlin scoffed not trusting him.


Merlin stopped trying to get up and finally let Daegal help him.


In Camelot, Gaius entered Arthur's chambers. Gwen, who was behind the screen doing her hair in the mirror, listened in on Arthur and Gaius' conversation.

"I'm worried about Merlin. His bed has not been slept in." Gaius states " I fear he's  in danger"

"What do you mean?" Arthur asked

" I think we need to send out a search party" Gaius suggested.

" Well, some of the knights are about to leave on a  search for Aria. I'll quickly go tell them to keep an eye out for Merlin as well." Arthur said and was about to start heading for the door when Gwen came out from behind the screen.

" What's happened?" Gwen acted as if she hadn't just been listening.

" Not only had Aria disappeared but now  Merlin's gone missing as well," Arthur told her with worry.

" I knew I should've said something." Gwen sighed " Arthur, I feel terrible. This is my fault. I know where Merlin is"

"Where?" Gaius asked wondering if Morgana's spell on Gwen had somehow miraculously broken.

"I shouldn't say. I promised him I wouldn't, but... He's gone to visit someone" Gwen lied.


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