She couldn't believe they were escorting a Prince. He did have a noble aura to him but he was rather laidback.

They decided to rest once it became dark. Sonata was on watch since Shikamaru wanted to sleep. She didn't mind, she had a lot of energy left.

"Kaito, do you enjoy being a prince?" She asked to the quiet prince.

"It has its Perks, but I do not. The royal family is there for image. We rarely do anything for the village. We've been losing our power steadily each generation. All because of a contract my misguided great, great, grandfather made with some of the other politicians in the village. We're there for image, but the decisions the politicians make is pointed at us so no one knows that it's not us making the decisions." His eyes were sad
and cold as he spoke. "We're merely just puppets. I hate it."

Sonata frowned, "That's awful. Is there a way the royal family can get back the power that once belonged to them?"

"The one way is to destroy the contract
but there's no way they'll have something like they just laying asking." He muttered, bitterly. "I'm pretty sure the politicians have hidden it well."

"But are the politicians over your village making good decisions for the village?" She asked.

He chuckled, humorlessly. "You'll see when you get there."

Sonata stood up immediately, throwing out a kunai, missing a shocked Kaito by a few inches. Her eyes became sharp as she stared out. "We have company. It's rude for them to hide, I'm not a bad host." She called out.

They instantly were surrounded by 5 ninjas. All of them wore the same headband. She didn't recognize where they were from.

Kaito gasped but kept quiet. He couldn't believe it.

"This sure is going to be easy." The only female ninja grinned. "Target locked in."

"An attack at night. That means you guys aren't confident enough in your abilities." Sonata stated. "Well if you like, get him. Let's see how easy you think this will be."

"She looks vaguely familiar." One of the guys mentioned. He shrugged his shoulders. "Oh well, let's just get the guy and go like boss told us."

A collective gasp went through the group, the guy blinked, realizing Sonata had disappeared. He felt a tap on his shoulder and before he could turn around, Sonata hit him in the neck, hitting a pressure point that instantly knocking him out. She looked at the other four and said, "Who's next?"

"You?" She pointed at the one near Shikamaru's tent.

The guy glared at her but was instantly thrown into a tree by Shikamaru's shadow jutsu.

"Alright guys, lets get serious." The girl stated. "Take them out and get the guy."

Sonata dodged the Shurikens that were aimed at her and swung her elbow backwards as one of the other male ninjas tried to sneak attack her from the back and another one from the front. She transported from the two, making them collide into each other, as she giggled. "This is too easy."

She hit the two in the back of the neck, making them collapse next. She turned to see if Shikamaru handled the female ninja and he had. He was lighting up a cigarette, sighing.

"Wow, you two are amazing." Kaito stammered, his purple eyes full of awe. "You took down the politicians ninjas in no time."

"Huh? Your village doesn't have ninjas." She said, confused.

Shikamaru blew out smoke and said, "No. but the politicians do. Why would they send ninjas after you?"

Kaito closed his eyes, rubbing his face. He opened them, and sighed, "Because I've been openly speaking about them, even though the contract states that no one in the royal family is suppose to mention them. I want to end them and the only way is expose them for what they really are and give back the power to the royal family. They've been making us a disgrace for the past decades. It's time for that to be over with."

"You're royalty though. Even the politicians can be punished for trying to harm you." Sonata said, her face scrunched in confusion.

Kaito replied, "Which is why they have paid ninjas to do their dirty work. It wouldn't be traced back to them if something was to happen to me."

"That's awful." She frowned. "Why is humanity like this?" Even after the war, it was places that still haven't overcame peace. Sometimes she can understand why her clan didn't like humans.

"I'm going to fight back with all that I can. My people don't deserve the things that they're being put through because of my ancestors." Kaito spoke, determinedly. His purple eyes were shining brightly.

"I agree with you!" She could tell by the look in his eyes, he was serious. "You can do it, Prince Kaito. I'll have your back until the matter is resolve!"

"Our mission is to escort, we can't get into his country affairs." Shikamaru stated.

Sonata untied her headband from around her skirt and placed it in her pouch. She winked at Shikamaru, "For now, I'm not a ninja of the leaf village anymore. I'm a rouge ninja."

Shikamaru sighed, "You're nothing but trouble."

Kaito smiled at Sonata, she was a breath of fresh and ball of energy that he needed. "Thank you. Not only are you beautiful, you're very kind too."

Sonata blushed. "Just doing what's right, ya know."

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