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Two months later ** Hinata, and Sonata just arrived back from their mission, when Pain attacks.

Sonata heart dropped as they entered the leaf village. Or what they thought was the leaf village.

She knew something was going on miles away which is why she made them rush back home. She felt two familiar chakras in the village, and she didn't feel Naruto's.

"Konoha?" Hinata whispered, in disbelief and fear.

"Why...?" Sonata whispered. "Why did they do this?"

"Sonata?" Hinata questioned, Sonata's chakra was starting to feel funny. It felt as if it was growing powerful, visible to the eye to as it radiated from Sonata's body. Hinata didn't have to activate her Byakugan to see it.

"Hinata, I'll be back." Sonata stated. She turned to Hinata and Hinata gasped as Sonata disappeared. Sonata's eyes looked like Hinata's eyes when her Byakugan was activated except without the veins.

Sonata appeared in front of a floating Yahiko, but she knew it wasn't Yahiko because Nagato explained to her that he was dead.

"Little one. I didn't expect you to be here." Nagato spoke. "I thought you'd still be out of the village."

"Why are you doing this Nagato?" Sonata asked, her fists were clenched in frustration and anger. "Why are you destroying these people's home. Their peace, their safe haven."

"Now little one, you know how I feel about Konoha. This place isn't peace. This is the beginning of all hell. I'm taking it off the map, and together we can build a new Konoha. It will be built off real peace."

Sonata swallowed hard, trying to choose her words carefully. "But I liked this place as it was before. It felt like a home." She whispered the last part.

"Don't tell me you've gotten attached to this place." Nagato said. She could feel her heart clenched as she felt a chakra appear behind her. This was the wrong time.

"Pein!" Naruto called out as he instantly flew in front of Sonata. "Stay away from her!"

Sonata could feel a huge surge of power running through Naruto. Something was different about him. His eyes held real anger, and a huge amount of hatred for the guy in front of them. She gasped. Naruto's eyes never held hatred.

"Stay away from her?" Nagato questioned. The Yahiko bot he used, stared emotionless at them. "Why should I? When she's apart of us?"

Naruto didn't flinch. "You're lying. Sonata would never be apart of something so vile! And evil! She's nothing like that!"

"You've done your job well, Little one. The nine tails Jinchuriki has surely become attached. You carried out your mission. Now it's time for you to come back home. This place was never your home." Nagato said.

"What is he talking about?" Naruto stepped back, as he looked in between Sonata and Pein. "This is your home."

"Tell me what is the real objective to the Akatsuki!" Sonata demanded, ignoring Naruto. She needed answers.

"You already know what it is. To capture the monsters and use them to help bring world peace. Once the world feel Pain, I will wipe it all away and then create a true peace." He answered, he held his hand out towards Sonata.

Sonata dropped down to her knees. "But I don't understand. Why did you send me here without knowing this was going to happen, that you were going to destroy this place. You should've told me so I wouldn't get attached. I would've never grown attached, I would've never made friends. I would have never been instilled with the will of fire."

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