"What happened?" He asked me as I neared them.

"The van hit the ice and skidded before hitting Bella's truck." I explained, wanting to reach out and comfort him but refraining.

"What?" He looked towards the truck. "How was she not crushed?" He panicked, looking pale and dizzy.

"Here, lets get in your cruiser. I'll explain on the way to the hospital." I cooed quietly, trying to keep the Cullens from noticing me get in his car.

It didn't work. Five pairs of golden eyes stared at me as I buckled my seat belt. Charlie climbed into the car with his phone pressed to his ear. I sighed as Charlie turned on his siren and began to escort the ambulance to the hospital, taking care to not hit the ice

"Renee, it's Charlie." He introduced himself, and I cringed at the sound of her name. "There was an accident at the school. Bella was nearly crushed by a van, but she's fine."

"Crushed by a van!" Renee screeched on the other end, I could've easily heard her if I was human. "She's been there a month and you almost get her killed?! Are you kidding me?"

"She's fine. Ice is slick here. You should remember that, Renee. Considering you slid off into a snowbank eight months pregnant." He chided her. "Listen, I'll have Bella call you when she gets out of the hospital." He grumbled.

"Hospital?! Charlie?!" Renee screamed and he hung up the phone.

"I'm sorry about that." He sighed. "I just thought calling her was the right thing to do." He shook his head, looking very disturbed.

"It was." I offered him a smile. "She was pretty hard on you." I muttered.

"Usually is." He nodded.

"What does she have against you?" I asked him. "To talk to you like that after she's the one who up and left you." I grumbled.

"She was young and wild and resents me a little bit for marrying me and having a kid so young. She decided she didn't want to settle down in a small town after all." He sighed.

"Do you still love her?" I asked him softly, needing to know.

"She's the mother of my only child." He stated. "Yes, I'll always love the person she was and I'll always love what she gave me, but that's in the past." He explained. "You're the present and the future. Nothing could ever compare to you." He promised me, kissing my palm sweetly.

"What a romantic." I teased him.

"Did any of the Cullens see you? I wasn't even thinking about that." Charlie worried suddenly.

"Well, I'll have some explaining to do later." I sighed. "They all saw me."

"You're clever, I'm sure you'll think of something." He responded, eyes shifting between the road and the ambulance. "She's okay?"

"She's okay." I assured him, my heart hurting for him. "No blood, no broken bones, she's fine."

"Good." He nodded, trying not to cry. "I don't understand how she wasn't crushed. By those skid marks and such black ice, that van had to be going at her at least thirty miles an hour."

"Edward got to her in time." I confessed. "He shoved the van back and managed to slip away before the students could react."

"Did anyone see him?" He asked me.

"I didn't even see him." I laughed. "I think Alice must've had a vision and Edward reacted before it happened. It's the only way he could've gotten there in time without me noticing. I was looking right at her." I shook my head, trying not to think about how badly this situation could've ended.

B.O.P. Breach of the PeaceWhere stories live. Discover now