30 (end??)

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23 years later

Kage P.O.V
23 years. 23 years after I met the love of my life. 23 years ago I made a vow that I would be his and his forever. And look at us now. I'm glad Dad didn't raise a coward. I couldn't be happier. I have a nice home, I'm a pro hero, and I have two adorable children, soon to be three. And even better, I have Alden. Even now it still shocks me to say I am Alden's. I'm HIS husband. And life couldn't get better.
Back to the present, I open the front door to be tackled by one purple haired girl and a black and purple haired boy. My children. "Daddy Daddy Daddy Mommy said we can visit Vivian!" Ah yes, my sister. She has gotten better, but she's still in a mental facility for overdosing about three-four months ago. Poor girl. Really missed mom. I'm still the only one who can communicate to Viv, so I've actually seen her three times this week. Lucky for us, Viv's hospital is like two blocks away, so a quick drive.

As the twins excitedly explain what they're going to do with her, I see a very pregnant Alden lean against the door. I smile softly as her holds back a chuckle. Eventually, I get the two little shits-I MEAN ANGLES of me to go and embrace my husband. "So we're going to Viv's?" I question. "Well it's been forever since we've seen her, and I think she'll be excited to see all five of us. Annndddd, I invited someone else." He said teasingly. I raised an eyebrow and he giggled quietly. I put my hands on his stomach as i tried to guess who he invited. I gave up a read his mind. I gasped as he smiled. I picked him up and spin him around. "You are a genius!!" I kissed him as the kids faked gagged behind us. "Oh stop you two!" Alden jokily yelled at our 8 year olds. "Well, I'm going to change and then we can get going, ok?" The kids nodded and ran off as Alden waddled away. I sighed and walked to our room.

I got changed but then suddenly got a call. I looked down at the caller I.D and got excited. Ring Ring......Ring Ring
"Hey Bakuhoe! You callin about dinner later?......yeah yeah he's ok...no I'm not hurting him....ok ok see you later! Oh and tell Kiri I said hi!" I finished up my conversation quickly and ran out of my room with a red striped shirt, jeans, and my signature bandana. I was greeted by our cat Pocs rubbing on my leg. I rubbed his stomach and ran out to the car. Everyone was already inside so I started up the car. The kids started chirping away about how much they missed their aunt.

Iicha was our little ball of energy. She would always be the first to speak up in class or would bring up a new pro hero she idolizes. She has bright purple hair that is always in two buns, kinda like her other aunt. When mom and dad were still alive, they would always say she acted just like me when I was a kid. I would risk my entire world for her. Her quirk is quite interesting. She can make people do her biding by singing it out to them, but she has to know they're name.
Now  Kanashi  is a completely different story. He is quiet and reserved most of the time. The only time he's a little ball of energy is when he's by his sister, and they're basically connected by the hip. He has black hair with purple tips. He's in love with ducks and has a strange quirk. He has the ability to give people visions of they're greatest fear or phobia just by touching them. Kinda makes me think he might turn to be a villain though, since he gets bullied at school for 1. his quirk and 2. having to always wear gloves. But I would do anything to keep him my happy little boy. They really are the light of my life.

"Daddy! We're almost there!" I snapped out of my day dream and pulled up to the hospital. The kids excitedly got out of the car and started running up to the door. "Iicha! Kanashi! Please wait for-and they're gone." Alden sighed as I help my 9-month husband out of the car. He sighed and kissed my lips. "Are you going to be ok seeing...them?" I nodded as he waddled up to the hospital. God I love him. Me and him never dated anyone else surprisingly, and wanted to get married as soon as possible. We got married after getting our hero licenses and had the twins when we were 22. Some people say that's to young but I think it's perfect.

Can I call it love? Shigadabi story      (WARNING LIGHT SMUT)Where stories live. Discover now