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Just a note, I'm going to put a major time skip (three years) in here cause I have so many ideas but I need Kage to be older!

Dabi P.O.V

Today was finally Kage's fourth birthday, so now we get to know his quirk! Well, Tom already said he knows the quirk when he was pregnant, but he forgot now. I decided to get him a present, so I grabbed the idiots and headed out. "Why did you bring us here??" Toga whined. "Cause Kage seems happy when you guys get him a present, so-" I was cut off by a large amount of cheers! "Yay!! We get to spoil the baby!!" They all screamed. "Shhhh, keep your voice down retards!" I whisper yelled at them. They all saluted me and laughed again. 'God there the worst' "Let's get shopping!"

Kage P.O.V

I'm soooo excited for today!! It's my fourth birthday, so I get to find out my quirk. Mom said he already knew my quirk a long Time ago but forgot. Daddy thinks he's lying, but I'll always believe mommy! I walked into the kitchen only to be pushed out by mom. "No Kage, I'm making something special so no coming in." He said to me. What a meanie! All I want was a cheese stick and now I can't.

He kissed my forehead as I pouted some more. "Where's Daddy?" I asked. If I can't play with mommy, daddy will work! "Daddy...went on a mission!" He replied a little nervously. Are you serious?! Dad went on a mission on MY birthday! Now he won't be able to celebrate. "What about brother or Aunty Toga?" "They also went with him"

Noooooooooooo! Now nobody can come to my birthday! Dose nobody care about me?? "Mommy that's not fair!" I yelled back at Mom. He turned around with a pissed look on his face. "Young man you better drop that attitude or your grounded." He said mad. I can't do this anymore! Now Mommy doesn't like me anymore. I ran out before Mom could say anything else. I ran into my room and cried into my pillow.

Nobody loves me anymore. That's it. I'm running away. I grabbed my turtle backpack, my good knives, my stuffed bear Sarah, and three granola bars. I wrote a note.
Dear family,
I'm running away. Don't look for me. I took Sarah so I'm ok. If you don't love me, that's ok to.
Love, Kageyama Shigaraki

I finished the note and put it on my bed. I looked back at my room one last time. I then hopped out of the window onto the sidewalk.

~Time skip 2.0~

I regret running away. My feet hurt from walking and I'm already out of food. I decided to go back home maybe apologize, but I'm lost. I was in alleyway when I heard...crying? I went down the alley and saw a girl about my age sobbing into her legs. "Umm..are you ok?" She looked up at me. She have red eyes and blonde hair with streaks of red. She was wearing a large grey sweater and black pants. "W-Who are you?" She said. "Well, I'm Kage! Who are you!" I said to her. She didn't respond so I sat next to her and gave her a hug.

"You seem sad. Have a hug!!" She smiled at bit. "My names Ryu by the way." "That's a really pretty name! So why are you crying alone?" She sighed. "Well you see, my dads decided they wanted another baby. So about two months ago, my baby brother Pocs was born. He gets all the attention and I get none. It's not fair! Even worse, they forgot that my birthday is today. All day they were ignoring me!!" I gasped. "I have the same problem!! Non of my parents pay any attention to me. So I ran away!" I said to her. We both talked about a lot of things. We have sooooo much in common! The only thing that's different is that her parents are Heroes. "Well, I think I should go home now." She turned around. "But I though you were going to run away?" I smiled softly at her. "Well, you talking made me realize the fun and amazing parts of family. You should go home to! Maybe you could try to get along with your brother!" I looked back at her and saw her pull something out of her backpack. "This is a phone. Use it to call me whenever ok! I like you a lot and you like me so we shod be friends ok!!" She handed me the small box and showed me how to use it. When she finished I hugged her again. "Thank you being her Ryu!" I said. We both stood up and she did something very unexpected.

She kissed me on the cheek.

"Bye Kage!!!!!" She yelled at me before running off. She's really pretty.

Tomura P.O.V
One hour before Kage meet Ryu.

I finally finished Kage's special dinner, pork stew with croissants, when Dabi and the idiots came home. "We're backkkkkkk!!!!" Toga yelled. I chuckled as Dabi walked in. "Helloooo handsome." He greeted me with a kiss. "Would you please grab Kage? He's probably sulking in his room." Dabi gave me a confusing look. "Oh he was sad no one could play with him today cause you guys were out." He gave me a nod before we heard Twice confirm his whereabouts. "Uhh guys? Kage is gone."

"WHATTT????" We both yelled. I ran out to where everyone was. They were all standing in his room, all except Kage. I saw what was in Twice's hand. A note. I stole it out of his hands and read the note. I re read it about 7 times before I got the point. He didn't think we cared about him. He didn't think I loved him enough. I've been a terrible parent. Oh god my FOUR YEAR OLD ran away! He's gone. He doesn't know his way around. Oh god what is a hero took him. I then started to sob. Everyone was very surprised, except Dabi. He also read the note and was already about to break down probably. Our son. gone.

~time skip to when Ryu kissed Kage~

So. I'm having a panic attack. My son is gone and everyone left to go find him. I have to stay home so if he comes back I'm here. I was having another round of sobs when I herd a knock at the door. Expecting Dabi, I opened the door sadly. "Have you found him yet?"

"Found who Mommy?" I looked down and saw my tear stained son looking up at me. "KAGE OH MY GOD DONT DO THAT EVER AGAIN!" I said in between sobs as I hugged my son. "Mommy don't be sad I'm sorry I'm not lovable." He said sadly. I stopped crying and gasped. "No no no no baby I love you so much! I love you more than anything darling." I said as calmly as possible. Then Kage broke down. I held my son as he cried into my lap. "Tom, is that Kage?!" I looked up to see Dabi starring down at us. I nodded yes with a shakey smile. He dropped down and also joined the hug. "Daddy? Do you love me?" "Of course I do buddy! Never forget that. I will risk my life for both of you." Dabi said pointing to both of us.

I smiled and kissed both of there cheeks. "Awwwwww, so cute!" I saw all the idiots standing behind us. I chuckled and picked Kage up. "Now, let's have a party!"

/yeeto skeeto time skipo/


He can read minds

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