16 (birth)

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Dabi P.O.V

hours passed and I could barely stand the screams. You can't imagine hearing the person you love the most be on this much pain. I called over my friend who went to medical school to help my Tommy. He was glad to help, cause Tom actually saved him from Toga once. Guess this is his way of saying thanks.

Back to my husband, his contractions were getting worse. He was gripping my sleeve and yelling out in pain. I kissed his forehead, whispering sweet nothings in his ear. After a hour, Kyle (my friend) said its time to push. I looked back at my lover and a wave of confidence swept over his face. I kissed him again, cheering him on. "Come on sweet heart, your doing great!" I said to him. "PuSh!" A scream came from him as he pushed with all his might. Everything went silent. Then, I heard the most beautiful noise in the entire world.

My baby son

He let out a cry and my heart dropped. The sound me and my love had been waiting for, has finally arrived. As the cries grew louder, a single tear traveled down my face. I was so happy. My-no, our baby was here. The little bundle of joy that I've only seen for a minute, was ready the world to me. The whole world stopped and admired our little boy. I snapped out of my trance and saw Kyle, wrap him in a blue blanket. He looked over at Tom and gasped. I looked over at him confused and almost fainted over what I saw.

Tom wasn't breathing

I rushed over to him, but Kyle pushed me back. I almost punched him, but saw my son was still in his hands. "I CAN STILL SAVE HIM IDIOT!!!" I yelled, making my son start to cry. I didn't even notice. Right now, I had to save the main love of my life. I started doing chest compressions and mouth to mouth, but it wasn't working. But I wasn't going to give up. This baby needed a mom, and I need Tom. I kept repeating over and over again before I heard a loud gasp. I looked down and saw a wide eyed Tom looking straight at me. I burst out in tears, hugging him as he hugged me back. "I I though I lost you.." I said in between sobs. "I'm ok..I'm ok now." He hushed me quietly. We stayed like this for a minute before we heard the sweet sounds of crying. I stat next to him on the air mattress that we pumped up before he went into full on labor. Kyle smiled at us and handed Tom our sweet boy. I saw Tom cry happy tears as the baby opened his eyes. He had on green eye and one turquoise. All in all, he was perfect. I put my arms around my loves and smiled. "Kage." I looked back at Tom.

"Kage?" I repeated back to him. "Yeah. That's his name. Well, his full name should be Kageyama, but I love Kage." I heard him say weekly. I smiled to myself. 'Kage is a good name' "Kage it is then." I said, making Tom giggle in happiness. I kissed him again, this time on the cheek, as he feel asleep on my lap.

"Goodnight my loves"

Can I call it love? Shigadabi story      (WARNING LIGHT SMUT)Where stories live. Discover now