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Kage P.O.V

I've been avoiding Alden for months
and I hate it. I just want my friend back. Even worse it's already summer and now I have know one to play with! I can't play with Ryu cause she's at this summer camp with Sharon so now I'm forever bored. Back to the present, I'm laying on my bed when I hear my phone ring. I get up and look at the caller ID and nearly have a 7 year old heart attack.

Alden Monoma

I want to just leave it be, never talk to him again, but something in my chest cries out to talk to him. Talk to the boy you used to walk home with every day. Talk to the boy who used to make you laugh when he would color on his eyepatch. Talk to the boy who you showed your non-brave side to.

Talk to the boy you love.

I shakily press the green call button and put the phone to my ear. I hear a faint voice over the phone. He sounds like he's been....crying. I know what he sounds like when he cries. He talkes softer and he usually starts to stutter.

"Kage we need to talk"

Alden P.O.V

I can't believe Lika did that! I wanted to punch her a million times. I wanted to open my eyepatch and have my demon Mamoru rip her to shreds. But I couldn't. I couldn't do anything the moment I kissed her. The thing is, she made me kiss her. It's her quirk. She releases a pink gas that controls the person she aims it at. And I hate her with all my guts. Even worse, Kage saw. My best friend, my only friend, has been avoiding me. I want to tell him what happened but he won't talk to me. And today over had enough. After a round of crying, I picked up my phone. I shakily pulled up his contact and waited. After the ringing stopped, I took a deep breath. "Kage, we need to talk. Come over to my place if you want to sort this out. Can you please, Kage? I hate this fighting and I miss-" I was cut short by him hanging up.

I cried for ages. Occasionally Mom would come in and try to help me and brought cookies. Nothing helped. After what felt like weeks of crying, I heard Dad from across the apartment. "Uhh, Hitoshi? Are we expecting anyone?" Mom got up to see. I heard his voice from across the room and I wanted to die. "Oh! Hi Kage. How have been? Yeah, Alden's in there. But be nice ok? he's been crying." I'm so glad I didn't tell mom why I was crying or he would have killed Kage. I heard rushed footsteps come closer to my room as I hid under my blankets. He softly knocked on my door. "Alden? Alden can I please come in?" I sighed. "I-It's open." I stuttered out. I heard my door open and him shuffle to my bed. "Alden, I'm ready to talk." He quietly said. I sighed and tossed the blankets away to see his face.
His eyes were red and I could see the tears in his eyes. I immediately grabbed his face and looked over his face to make sure he was ok. Now a normal person would probably leave him alone, but this was different.
It's different cause I've never seen him cry. I was about burst into tears when he hugged me tightly and cried into my sweater. For once, I was the shoulder he could cry on. The Prince calming to his Prince Charming.

For once, I was his hero.

We cried for almost a hour, just holding each other until he spoke up.
"Alden, I'm so sorry. I was- I was just mad. and sad. I just want to know one thing. Why did you kiss-" I cut him off to answer his question. "I didn't kiss her. It was her quirk.She has a stupid mind control quirk Sharon told me about in her quirk journal. All in all, Lika is a bitch." I finished my rant with a quick laugh from Kage witch made my heart go fast. Kage suddenly put his hands on my cheeks and faced me.
Then I felt his lips on mine. I was shocked out of my mind and had no idea what to do, so I just let him do whatever. I was glad though, now I know he actually likes me.
He likes me. The cutest most amazing boy on the planet, likes me. The hero son to some villains, likes me.

And the best part is, he's all mine.

Can I call it love? Shigadabi story      (WARNING LIGHT SMUT)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang