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Tomura P.O.V

I can't believe I just told him. I knew I was pregnant from the start, even though I haven't taken a test yet. I knew the symptoms to well, because my own brother was been pregnant before. We were both Omegas, so we could naturally have children. Unfortunately for Roman, he got pregnant at the age of only 16. And when my father finally found out...

He killed him.

We sat there for a couple minutes, Dabi in a complete daze. He looked so cute right now. I would have kissed him but the smell of vomit still linger in my mouth. After a good 5 minutes, he decided to break the silence. "You're....I....but...a...boy?" He tried to get out of his mouth.

"I'm an omega, Hun. I can do stuff like that." I stated. The realization hit me suddenly like a truck. 'He doesn't love me. He's going to break up with me. Why would he want a baby?!' I started to weep uncontrollably, thinking he was going to break up, leave me here to die. Leave. He was going to hate me.

What he did next shocked me. He laughed. Not a sarcastic laugh, not a angry laugh, and genuine, happy laugh. "I'm going to be a dad." He said "IM going to be a DAD!!!" He shouted. He picked me up and spun me around. This was the happiest I've ever seen him. I was so shocked I didn't say anything but instead laugh along with him. But soon my laughter turned Into sobs, so he put me back down. "Hey...hey what's wrong?" "I...I t-thought you w-were going to be mad?" I said between sobs. "I thought you didn't want a kid?" He looked me in the eye and saw my pain.

I guess the realization hit him to. "Babe..I would never break up on you! Especially now!!" He said as he pointed to my stomach. I looked at him and saw pure happiness in his eyes. "Do you want a baby?" He said out of the blue. I thought about it for a moment. I guess now would be a ok time. Headquarters has nice-ish people and is big enough for a kid to run around. The main problem was of course, that we were villains. I would probably have to give up villain work for a while to take care of the kid, but Kurogiri would make a good replacement boss for a while. I thought about it for a good 4 minutes and then gave my response.

"I would love a kid."

"Than its settled, we will have a kid!"

Yay! They are going to keep the baby!! I think the next chapter i will go a little more light hearted. So every chapter will be another month going by. Please give me baby names in the comments, I'm clueless!! I'll pick my favorite and give you a shoutout. See us later peeps!!!!!

Can I call it love? Shigadabi story      (WARNING LIGHT SMUT)Where stories live. Discover now