15 (9 months)

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Tom P.O.V

A month went by after Dabi proposed to me. I was so happy I started crying on the spot. Dam hormones. Well, the rings are beautiful. Both silver male rings, mine has purple little diamonds around the band and Dabi's has blue diamonds. Both stunningly beautiful, but I like mine better.

I was sitting at the table while looking through a book of mine. A sharp pain went through my body. I just ignored it, thinking it's just a kick. I sighed and put it down. A growl came from my stomach as I got up. I chuckled. "Are we hungry now, my two loves?" A voice said from behind me. I turned around to see Dabi sitting on the counter. I sighed as I walked over to sit with him. "Yeah, me and Satan are hungry I guess." I said with annoyance in my voice. Dabi laughed at this and took my hands into his. "Want me to make you something, love?" My face must have dramatic lay changed cause I saw look at me with surprise. "Can you make me a PB&J!" I said happily. "Dam, are you 6?! Wow, having a baby really turns you into one." He said with snarkyness laced into his voiced. I went over and lightly slapped him on the arm. He laughed as he got out the peanut butter. I turned around to get the jelly.

As he made the sandwich, I got busy daydreaming about the baby. I could imagine them running around the living room, Toga chasing them. Me and Dabi would be sitting on the couch, watching our bundle of joy run around. I got so caught up I didn't notice Dabi calling my name. "Tommy? Tom!" I jumped back and laughed. He handed me the sandwich at I ate happily. "What were you thinking of?" He asked, getting back up on the counter. "About the baby. I'm excited to have them running around I can't wait!" I said. Dabi looked at me and smirked. "Looking at your size, that dram will come soon." I pretended to been offended by his remark and he laughed. I started laughing to and we ended up on the floor. Well, he was in the floor. I can't even see the floor.

We were interrupted by something familiar...a song? Wait a minute. 'God damit Toga' I thought as the song played.

"EVERYONE GIVE IT UP FOR AMERICA'S FAVORITE FIGHTING FRENCH MAN!!!! LAFAYETTE!!!" Guns and Ship played in the room behind us, probably on a speaker, DEFIANTLY by Toga. "Would you turn that down Toga!!" I yelled at the girl. Another sharp pain stung in the side of my stomach, but I ignored it again. Toga popped her head around/the corner , momentarily stopping the music. "You SAID we could play music while we worked on the room." She said. Oh I forgot to say that the others have agreed to make a room for my sweet child. Of course, they wanted something out of it. So now I have four babysitters. Good part about that is i can go do my fucking job finally.

Bad part is that they're all fucking crazy idiots.

Back to the present, I'm scolding them for playing Hamilton to loud. I sighed and finished my sandwich. I talked with my boy-husband for about a hour, just about the baby, when I heated a squeal come from the room. Then, a paint covered Toga, Twice, Mustard, and Kurogiri all stepped into the living room. Dabi burst out laughed while I tried to hold back a grin. "What happened to you guys?!" I said questionably. "Oh nothing much, just this BITCH covered us with paint!" A pissed Kurogiri said, pointing at Toga. At that point everyone was laughing.

~Le time skip~

"Anything else?" I said after Everyone cleaned off all the paint. "Oh! The room is done!" My face lit up as I looked back at Dabi. He chuckled as he lead me to the room. He opened to door reveling the room.

The room was painted red with black spots. A crib was in the left corner and under it was a small box of toys. A knife was left in the middle of the room, witch I will DEFINITELY put away later. A box of diapers and a pacifier was in the closet along with some cute clothes. A bear with a stuffed gun was also in the crib. A couple bottles were under the crib, so I can't reach them now. All in all, it's perfect. I burst out in happy tears. Dabi noticed this and hugged me. A REALLY bad pain went through my body again. This time I can't ignore it. I cringed and held my stomach. Dabi looked at me worriedly. "Hon are you ok?" "Yeah, yeah I'm fi-" the all of a sudden, a warm liquid ran down my pants. At that moment I knew. I was dreading and ecstatic  this day. This was going to be painful but rewarding.

"Dabi my water just broke"

Can I call it love? Shigadabi story      (WARNING LIGHT SMUT)Where stories live. Discover now