"Lira-Proofed": Copyrighted, All Rights Reserved

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I'm in the backseat of the most luxurious, yet comfortable car ever. Wintar sits to my left, looking intently out the window. On occasion he turns to look at me, which I immediately turn the other way. We're basically playing ping-pong with our heads. When he turns back to the window, I turn to stare at him; when he turns toward me, I turn to stare out the window.

"Why do you keep looking at me?"

I press up tighter to the door of the car. "What? Nooooo," I tell him with the weirdest laugh I have ever made. "Me? Noooooooo."

Wintar faces me. "You are. You've been doing it all through Batali's cooking lesson too."

"You sound so…silly," I tell him in some kind of high-pitched voice.

Silly? Out of all the words in the English language I could have chosen, I chose…'silly'?

"So bandaging three fingers of yours because you cut yourself, because you were staring at me, is normal?"

I look down at my hands.

Yeah. About that…

It's hard to focus when you suddenly find out your childhood best friend likes you over the weekend and then, a day later that the most beautiful boy in the entire school also does, too.

If I were actually better at math, I'd figure out the statistics and probability of it all.

But I'm not. So I'll go with the idea that the gods picked a name out of a hat and it came out Lira Treviso. The question: Who would be the most hilarious to watch in this situation?



Not sure where that came from.

But another side is going: Jeff is your FRIEND.

Very true.

And yet another side: Wintar initiates your gag reflex, ma'm. Not so good.

Also, very true.

And yet another: I'm soooo confused…

So true!

And one more goes, AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!


Man, I've got a lot of sides to my brain. Albert Einstein, eat your heart out.

"Well," I say, looking straight ahead, "three out of ten fingers…that's only 30%. Not even half."

"Yes," Wintar says, sounding sarcastic. "Only until you cut five of your ten fingers will it really count."

"I'm glad you agree."

"Really, Lira, what's up?" Wintar unbuckles his seatbelt and scoots over to the middle seat.

"That's against the law!" I yell out refusing to look over. "Stay in your seat until the automobile has come to a full and complete stop! Thank you!"

Wintar pretends he doesn't hear me.

"You've been cooking forever," he says. "So, for you to cut your fingers isn't normal…"

He pauses and I suddenly feel the urge to turn to him.

"…well, normal for you anyways."

I lost the urge.

"Really, what's up?"

I see my neighborhood! I'm almost home! I roll the down the window and stick my head out.

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