Always Word Your Wishes Well

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My Monday morning starts off groggy, but it isn't my fault! Somehow in the middle of the night I woke up feeling as if something had snapped in me and, suddenly, I felt my room needed to be redecorated. I took down all my posters of different castles from around the world, a poster made of a collage of desserts, and several others. In their place, I put new ones I made and printed. It took me two hours to do it all, but when I finished, I felt much more at ease.

Jeff is waiting for me outside today and I meet up with him.

"Hey," he says with a smile. "How was the catering job on Saturday?"

"It was great!" I tell him. "I met Wintar's family. They live in the Birds of Paradise community!"

"Those mansions?"

"Yeah!" I use my arms to describe how large the kitchen is. "And they have two kitchens!"

Jeff laughs. "Only you would be excited about something like that."

"Wintar has a cute little brother named Aaron, too," I say smiling. "But he fell into the pool and Wintar and I saved him."

"Seriously?" Jeff sounds impressed. "Extra pay for that I'm sure."

I smack Jeff. "No, but it was enough for me just to see Wintar's wet look." I smile dreamily.

Jeff chokes. "WHAT?"

I look at him. "What?"

"You're kidding me, right?"


But for some reason, Jeff just laughs and mumbles, "Good joke, Lira."

As usual, Jeff is held back by fan girls when we reach the school's gate so I walk on ahead. I'm not jealous anyways. Now if it was Wintar, I'd be kicking those girls' butts. He's a beauty no one can touch!

I walk into the classroom, but not before almost running into someone.

"Hey, Lira," a smooth voice welcomes me. It's as if Wintar was waiting for me or something.

I look up and smile. "Hi!"

Wintar looks surprised beyond belief. He leans in. "And how are you doing today?"

I shrug. "Fine." I smile sweetly. "How are you?"

Wintar takes a step back. "No way."

"Way what?" I say. What a conversation! I can barely believe I'm talking to Wintar Cammin! He's so…pretty! How else can I describe him?

"What do you think of me?"

Is this a trick question? "Um?" I begin. "You're cool?"

Wintar shakes his head. "What about people…like…me?"

Where is he going with this? "I don't get it…"

"Fine, then," Wintar says and he suddenly grabs me and pulls me so close I could probably lean in and kiss him. My heart is beating so fast; I feel like I could fly.

"What if I kissed you right now?" Wintar says. I can hear the girls around the room silence and stare at us.

"I'd do this then," I say and with a cute grin I lean up and kiss the tip of his nose.

Wintar immediately lets go and I stumble backward a little. "Hey!" I yell.

The girls in the room are gasping. "No way!" they yell. "They're together!?"

"We're not together!" Wintar yells. He turns back and stares at me, like he's studying my face. "The exact opposite of your fear…" he mumbles. "So if you were scared enough to punch me…then now you must be…"

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