12| a fortnight later

Start from the beginning

   "that's enough!" he hissed, before hoseok roughly snatched his wrist away from his bodyguard to turn and look him in the eye sternly. "hoseok, you have to stop this! if your mum or dad knew about this, you—"

   "first of all, he's not my father!" hoseok said harshly, voice going down as the owner, min, passed by slowly. "second of all, i'm doing this for me! he's just another silly whore, and i can fuck him and anyone as much as i want to! that's kinda their job!" seokjin rolled his eyes at hoseok, only to hear the last sentence, so that his face contorted in rage.

   "hoseok, how—are you even listening to yourself? it's wrong to be here, nevertheless indulge yourself in these illegal activities! you're the prince, for goodness sake—" hoseok snapped his fingers to stop him from going on and on about customs and everything related to it.

   "bingo! which means that i can do whatever i want! now if you'll excuse me, it's time for my last—" hoseok tried to go through the door, but seokjin blocked the way, glaring at the prince for being so irrational and ignorant. hoseok had no idea what he was doing—but he thought that maybe if he wrecked the guy, whose brother he couldn't stop thinking about, maybe he'll just view him like he views every single prostitute in this facility; nothing more than a goddamn slut.

and his brother? he'll forget him, too. (after reporting that doctor of course)

   he pushed seokjin aside roughly, before opening the door, going through, and slamming it shut behind him. he could hear seokjin's grumbles from the door, and he smirked to himself before seeing his target on the bed, sitting on the edge, and staring up at him with shock—or was this curiosity?

maybe he didn't expect hoseok to he back—but why should he care? he was just a little, undeserving whore. walking towards namjoon, he grabbed at his neck, wrapping his hand tightly around it as he scanned his robe clad body. namjoon's hands paused midair, as hoseok's hold wasn't too tight around his throat, but kept cautious.

"take that off." hoseok demanded, abruptly letting go of namjoon, who had been silent this whole time. the prince walked closer to namjoon, nearly pressing the latter's nose to his pelvis, while looking down at him, and his hands tucked in his pockets. namjoon, too shocked and nervous at the newfound tension, seemed to slowly slip into the headspace, and he took off the robe, and threw it on the ground.

   for namjoon, he had been sitting alone in his room, surprised at the fact that not much people came in today. it was fine, though, because that gave him a chance to think back to everything. taehyung's birthday was coming up soon, and he was sure that he wasn't going to remember it like last time. why do things like that always happen to him? why not someone else?

   he wanted to do normal things with taehyung, like he had always wanted to enrol taehyung in a school, but he didn't have enough money, as it was only for the medication. he thought of how taehyung would be at school... would he be shy because he wouldn't think anyone would approach him? would he get bullied and would run to namjoon to complain? or... would he dominate as the cool kid, or as the guy every girl admires?

   but no, taehyung wouldn't want to go to school because of his condition. namjoon didn't want people making fun of him because he had learning difficulties and a bit of stutter in speech, because that wasn't fair. however, he was snapped out of his thoughts immediately once he saw the prince, and he slowly came back to his senses.

   now he was sitting, waiting for his job to be done so that he could go back home to taehyung. his nose almost touched hoseok's clothes, but he didn't dare move an inch.

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