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Author's Note: I PASSED MY CLASSES AND GOT A NEW COMPUTER WOO HOO! Anyways, this part is long due but it's here! I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed writing it. Love, M.

"Come with me" He said. "Don't make me order you to come"

Y/N rolled my eyes at Harry.

"H, I already told you I'm not coming" Y/N said to him. "It's only for a week and you know why else I can't come"

Y/N walked away from Harry. She walked down the hall of the store with Harry following behind her.

"Actually, I don't know" Harry said, pretending he didn't remember yesterday. "Why again?"

Y/N turned around and crossed my arms at him.

"You're really going to make me say it again?" Y/N asked him.

He smirked at her.

"You can say you're coming with me to New York instead" Harry said.

"Harry-" Y/N began to protest but Harry stopped her.

"I know you want to" Harry said. "You grew up there. Don't you want to visit?"

"It's not that Harry" She said. "I would love to go, I would really but I think it's a waste of money if I go for a week"

And I could really use a break from him, Y/N thought.

"What if I paid then?" Harry asked me.

Y/N raised my eyebrows at him.

"H, just forget it" Y/N told him. "It's not going to happen"

Y/N turned away from him. She continued to walk down the hall, meeting with one of the Gucci's saleswoman.

"He's done with his fitting" Y/N told her.

The woman nodded.

"We'll send it on the flight to New York" She said. "We'll send the word to Alessandro's team"

Y/N smiled at her.

Harry had three days left to the met gala. He was supposed to leave for New York tomorrow night. He had another fitting on Monday morning in New York. His last one. Y/N, of course, did not plan to attend his last fitting. Harry, on the other hand, desperately wanted Y/N to come to New York with him. Both as his assistant and not his assistant. The time was ticking for Harry to convince Y/N to come. He didn't want to resort to the last option of him demanding her to come. It wouldn't be much of a challenge if he demanded her to.

Y/N passed the woman. She didn't turn around to see if Harry was following her. Thank god she didn't for Harry's sake. If Y/N did, she would catch Harry talking with the saleswoman about the emergency dress Harry had ordered for Y/N for the Met.

"You're sending the dress along right?" Harry asked the woman.

"Yes" She answered him. "I didn't tell your assistant about it"

Harry looked down to the woman's name tag. He looked back up to her.

"Thank you Rebecca" He said.

"You're welcome Mr. Styles" Rebecca said to him.

Harry walked away from Rebecca and quickly caught up to Y/N. They were about to exit the store. Harry held the door open for Y/N.

"Thanks" Y/N said as she walked out the store.

"No problem" Harry said, following her.

Harry smirked to himself, knowing what Y/N didn't know. She and him were going to New York.
                                        . . .
Harry stood outside her apartment door. He knocked again, waiting for her to answer him. It was 9 in the morning. Harry had called her earlier to say he had given her off work today. He of course, knew Y/N needed to pack for their flight. She couldn't do that if she had to work for Harry.

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