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"Look at him" My sister, Violet, said passing me her phone. "He looks so handsome"
Of course, she showed me a photo of Harry. She's been taunting me of him since the last week when I told her the ultimatum Harry gave me. After secretly dating for about three months, he wanted to go public together. I was a bit hesitant towards it, which led to a loud argument between us. I expected him to be understanding, considering how much privacy meant to the both of us. Apparently I cared about it more than he did. I handed Violet her phone back.
"And?" I asked her. "What's your point?"
"You two would look cute if you went to the premiere with him" She said.
"I would, if I was invited" I added, trying to stop her obvious plans.
"You technically were . ." Violet continued. "In his ultimatum"
"Which you didn't hear" I corrected her.
"But you told me about" She added.
I sighed. I knew my sister was very supportive of my relationship with Harry, however her persistent support was annoying and exhausting me. She couldn't understand what it was like to be in my shoes. Only getting to see him when there's friends around, having to give him his prep talks over the phone, only getting to kiss him in our houses. The amount of hate I gotten over being seen with him once makes the situation worse.
"Vi, give it up" I begged. "I don't belong in his world"
"He thinks so and you clearly do too!" Violet argued. "You're lying to yourself"
"Excuse me?" I asked, offended. "You're not me"
"Oh, come on" She pleaded. "You really don't think you belong in his world when you agreed to go on all those dates with him?"
"Secret dates" I corrected.
"They're still dates!" Violet spoke. "By the way, this is serious. It became serious when you introduced him to us"
I crossed my arms at her.
"Listen, even if I did, I probably couldn't handle it. I got hate already. Plus a long distance relationship never works" I explained.
My sister smiled at me.
"Do you know Harry?" She asked me. "The private, won't talk about romance Harry? He literally asked you to go public with him! You obviously mean something special to him! Are you blind to see that?"
"I'm not" I stated. "I'm not naive either. I'm not going"
My sister looked down to the floor. A devilish smirk appeared on her face. She looked back to me.
"Then I'm going to the premiere" She said, causing me confusion.
"What?" I asked.
"I can drive and we have almost the same face so ..." Violet spoke.
"You're not going as me. I won't allow that." I said. "You can't even get in"
"But Y/N Y/L/N can" She said, giving me her devilish smirk again. "Come on, I know you want to"
I sighed. Maybe if I stay inside the theater throughout the premiere, I won't get noticed by fans that much.
"I hate you sometimes" I said, giving in.
"Yay!" She cheered, almost attacking me with her hug. "Wear your red dress"
                                . . .
"I can't believe we're actually doing this" I said as we waited in line to get our VIP passes.
"I can" Violet said, grinning.
I rolled my eyes at her. I was completely anxious. I felt everyone stare at me. I knew there were bound to be photos of me online along with some fans sending me hate. I felt like backing out last minute. However, that was foiled once we got to the beginning of the line. A bald man stood in front of us. There were passes in a box next to him.
"Name?" He asked.
"Y/N Y/L/N and guest" My sister said to him.
"Enter" He said, moving to the side. "Take your passes"
I was immediately caught off guard. I was actually on the list?
"Wait, we're on the list?" I asked him, in disbelief.
"Yes" He confirmed. "This is you, isn't it?"
He showed me the clipboard he was holding. A picture of me was on the bottom of the page with my name under it. Harry wanted me here. He wasn't joking about the ultimatum.
"Yup. That's her" My sister said, taking my hand. "Lets go"
Violet took two passes from the box and dragged me along and away from the line. She handed me my pass. She wore hers around her neck.
"He invited me" I stated, still in disbelief.
"Yeah. He did" Violet said. "Where is he? Maybe he could get me a drink. I'm thirsty"
I looked around. There had to be about more than five hundred people here. More than five hundred people who can see how much of nervous wreck I was.
"I think we should get inside" I suggested. "I don't want to be standing in heels all day"
"Wait" Violet said, looking up to the side.
Immediate loud screams were heard. I looked up to the screen on the side of the building that Violet looked at as well. It was him. H. My lips grew into an involuntary smile. My heart started to quicken at the sight of him. I watched on the screen how he greeted everyone on the screen.
"Found him" Violet commented.
"Come on" I said, taking her hand and dragging her along.
I saw a brunette woman with a clipboard that had a staff pass hanging around her neck. I walked up to her, hoping I could get a reach to Harry before trying to head inside.
"Hi I'm Y/N, do yo-" I started to speak yet the brunette cut me off.
"Y/N as in Y/N Y/L/N?" The woman asked me.
"Yeah" I said, stepping back. "How do you-"
"I know?" She asked, cutting me off again.
I nodded my head.
"Harry told me to keep an eye out for you" She stated. "I can try telling him you're here"
"Really?" I asked, surprised.
Knowing how busy premieres like these were, I was shocked that she would try to. Everyone here made me feel suspicious and judgmental of myself.
"Yeah" She said. "Harry said to tell him immediately when you would arrive"
"Told you so" My sister grinned. "I'm her sister by the way" Violet said to the brunette.
"Nice to meet you" The brunette greeted. "I'll tell him you're both here. Don't move" She ordered us.
I watched her walk away.
"Shit" Violet cursed. "I forgot to ask her for a drink"
                                . . .
"Oh, is that a nix to yeh question?" I asked her, chuckling.
I continued to do my interview. I didn't pay much attention to Y/N today. Despite knowing there was a high chance she wouldn't show up, I still had a hope she would prove me wrong. I don't blame her if she didn't come. Most of my past girlfriends couldn't handle the hate that came along when they were with me. More importantly, I understood how much privacy meant to her. It was almost idiotic of myself to ask her to go public with me. I should have gave her more time. But then again, she said she loved me. If she really did love me, she would do this for me, right?
I was about done with my interview when I saw someone approaching me from the side of my eye. I turned my head and was correct.
"H" Rebecca, one of the staff members, called me.
"Yeah 'bec?" I asked her.
"She's here" Rebecca said. "Y/N"
She was here. She came. For me.
I smirked, immediately feeling excited. I turned around to Jeffery who was standing behind me.
"Can we take a break?" I asked him.
Jeff looked into the distance,thinking, then back to me.
"Quick break" Jeff said. "Five minutes"
"Can yeh take me'h to her?" I asked Rebecca.
"Come on"
                                . . .
"What if he changed he's mind and doesn't want to meet anymore? What if he doesn't want a relationship anymore?" I asked Violet, panicking. "He's very indecisive and unpredictable. So am I. That's why I took forever with his ultimatum. He probably hates me because I took forever with it"
"Y/N shut up. He doesn't think that of you" Violet said, staring into the distance. "He doesn't look like it either"
"You see him?" I asked her. "In this crowd?"
Violet moved over and pulled me over to stand in her place. My eyes instantly landed on Harry. Violet was right. Harry didn't look a bit angry with me. In fact, he looked excited to where I stood. I was pretty sure Harry couldn't see me since he kept turning and talking to the brunette staff member from earlier.
I wanted to run to him. The huge amount of people that surrounded me was a restriction however. I stepped forward, pushing my way through everyone in the crowd as I kept my eyes on Harry. I managed to get out of the crowd, making myself fully visible to Harry. I stopped walking when Harry's eyes landed on me. I smiled, making ur contact with him despite how far away we were standing to each other.
Harry quickly said something to the brunette before started to walk slowly towards me. I watched Harry purse his lips together as his eyes stared deep into mine.
I took a few steps forward slowly, trying to slow down my pounding beat of my heart. Harry and I finally stood in front of each other.
"Thought yeh wouldn't show up" Harry said to me.
"Neither did I" I admitted. "Until Violet threatened me to come"
Harry chuckled at my response.
"Correct me'h if I'm wrong," Harry started to speak. "Is that a no to the question I asked yeh before?"
"You mean your ultimatum?" I asked, smiling.
"Yeh could call it that" Harry stated.
"Well, considering that I'm in a dress, in front of hundreds of people, talking to you, probably being recorded by everyone right now, facing one of my worst fears and the fact that I missed you like hell the whole week... I think the answer is yes" I said, smiling. "Yes. I want to go out and be with you"
Harry's lips grew into a smirk with his eyes having a glint of genuine in them. Harry wrapped his arms around my body, hugging me. For a second there, I thought he was going to kiss me.
"I missed yeh too" Harry whispered in my ear.
"H" I heard a familiar voice from earlier say.
Harry let go of me. Both our heads turned toward the brunette.
"We have a few more interviews left to do" The brunette said to him.
"Al'right" Harry said to her.
Harry looked to me, taking my hand in his.
"I won't take long" Harry told me. "I'll see yeh inside"
Harry kissed he back of my hand.
"A kiss on the hand?" I asked him, surprised at his actions. "No huge romantic kiss in front of these cameras?"
Harry winked at me.
"'M a private guy" Harry said. "I'll make it up later bab'y"
I watched Harry walk back to where he was before. I was almost startled when I heard Violet's voice behind me.
"You know you left me alone?" She asked me. "I could have been stolen"
I turned around to her.
"This coming from the girl who wanted to come here alone" I said, joking at her. "Let's go inside"

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