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Three weeks. That's how long it's been. Not how long it been since he left for tour. It's how long it's been since I've been pregnant. I haven't even told Harry. How could I? I would be dropping a massive bombshell on him exactly when his solo career had just begun. Especially now, with him being in the middle of his tour. If he knew, he would drop everything to be by my side and I couldn't do that, knowing how much he loves the stage. I can't tell him after the tour, he would hate me. Imagine finding out your girlfriend is pregnant from paparazzi or from fans! He wouldn't ever speak to me. Ugh, I can't believe I had to get pregnant.
Who am I kidding? Something like this would be bound to happen. How have you been in a relationship for two years, having sex often, without thinking you won't get pregnant? I blame myself. I probably forgot to take my birth control one day. I'm not even sure if I want to be a mother. Yeah, I love kids and think they are adorable, but I'm I actually ready to raise one? I'd probably get an award for being the worst mom if I did. What the hell am I going to do?I had to tell Harry. I owe it to him. It's as much as his as it is mine. The sooner, the better, I thought. I booked a flight and went to the city of Harry's next concert. The only person I told I was coming was Clare. Someone had to let me into the venue, after all. I was shaking as I approached the venue's door. I'm actually doing this. I may be a nervous wreck with nausea but I'm actually doing this.
"Y/N!" Clare called running up to hug me. "I missed you"
"I missed you too" I managed to say while trying to keep my vomit down from smelling the amount of hairspray in your hair.
I pushed her gently away, breaking the hug.
"Where's H?" I asked.
"With Mitch. He's gonna freak out when he sees you. Did you tell him?" She asked.
"Nope. I wanted it to be a surprise" I gave a fake smile.
It's definitely going to be a surprise.
"Come on" Clare said, wrapping her arm around my shoulder.
We walked our way into the venue, security easily letting us in with Clare's pass. I felt my heartbeat quicken with every step I took near Harry. He's gonna leave me, I thought with my anxiety in full effect.
"Are you ready?" Clare asked me before opening the dressing room door.
"No" I muttered under my breath.
"H! Someone's here to see you!" Clare shouted as we entered the room.
Mitch and Harry turned their heads from each other to us. Both were shocked, Harry's eyes widen blinking in disbelief.
"Y/N" Harry said, getting up from the couch.
A smile appeared on his lips as he ran up to me, engulfing me in a hug. I felt my nausea creep on.
"Love, what are yeh doing here?" Harry asked hugging me tighter.
"I missed you. Two weeks is too long" I lied, partly.
I was being suffocated in his hug. The smell of his Tom Ford vanilla tobacco cologne made me want to gag.
"H, let go please" I begged.He let go with I finally breathing again.
"I missed yeh too. Yeh should have told me'h yeh were coming" Harry said, caressing my arms .
There was a look of concern in his eyes.
"I know you like surprises ... So surprise!" I said blushing, trying to hide my nerves.
"I do. Just not knowing where yeh are makes-"
I cut him off, kissing him, slowly yet passionately. It's been weeks since I felt his soft lips against mine. It was like a drug, his kiss. It just captivates you. I knew he loved me. His over-protectiveness proved that. I would be overprotected of myself too if I were in his position. I've been dodging his calls since I planned to come here.
"I love you too. I know you care" I whispered in his ear.
Harry hugged me again, not holding me on forever this time.
"I missed yeh so much. Tell me everything that happened when I was gone"
Where do I begin?
                                  . . .
"So I slip-"
"As usual" I added.
"And I pick it up and it's a kiwi'
I chuckled. Kiwis and slipping. I should be telling him I'm pregnant but instead we are talking about this. I was debating if I should tell him now or after the show.I was leaning for after. I snapped out of my thoughts when Harry continued to talk.
"How's work? Has Gem replaced me as your pillow talk buddy?" He asked.
"Well, I-"
Oh, no. My nausea is back. I smelled something. Something not good. Clare appeared at the frame of the door holding a plate of food.
"Hey guys! I didn't know they serve sushi downstairs" She said.
I felt like I had to throw up. I got up and ran to the bathroom, my hand cupping my mouth trying to halt the incoming vomit. When I made it to the bathroom, I lifted the toilet seat and threw up. I left the bathroom door open. At this point, I didn't care anymore. I just wanted today to be over.
"(Y/N)" I heard Harry's voice say as I sat near the toilet.
Harry entered the bathroom, standing bending down to my level. His hands traveled down and up my back, rubbing me. The presence of his cologne made me want to throw up more.
"Let it out love. It's alright" Harry said, tugging the hair strands in my face back.
"No, it's not" I spoke,feeling my eyes starting to water.
I placed my arm on the toilet seat, my cheek resting on it. Harry continued to caress my back.
"What's wrong love? Are yeh sick? Is this why yeh don't answer my calls?" He asked, staring into my eyes.
"Promise you won't be mad?"I asked.
"Nothing you can ever do will make me mad" Harry stated with sincerity in his voice.
I looked down.
"I'm pregnant" I stated."I found out after you left for tour"
I looked back up to Harry. He was looking to the side, tracing his lips with his two fingers. Something he did often when he was making an important decision.
"I'm three weeks" I said, trying to make the situation less tense. "I was going to tell you after the show but-"
I stopped talking when Harry got up, shutting and locking the bathroom door. It was completely private between us now. Harry sat down next to me. A slight smirk appeared on his lips.
"Are you going to say som-"
Harry kissed me, catching me off-guard. He was gentle, cupping my face with his soft hands. When his lips tore away from mine, I looked to find him crying but smiling.
"We're having a baby" Harry stated.
"We're having a baby" I smiled.
Harry wiped his tears away, hugging me again.
"You're happy" I said into his ear.
"Of course. Why wouldn't I?" He asked.
I chuckled, feeling a weight had been lifted off my chest.
"Can we tell my mother?" Harry asked when he let go of me.
"Of course, only her though please" I said. "It's still early and anything could happen so I-"
"Only her" Harry said, understanding my anxiety.
I nodded.
"This might be the happiest moment of my life" Harry chuckled out.
"And not your moments on stage?" I asked, raising my eyebrows at him.
"Tonight might be the second"

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