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Author's Note: One day I got a request for Harry and Y/N to have rough sex and Y/N accidently pulls Harry's hair too hard that he says the safe word. Coincidence enough, I had boxer!Harry in my mind. So here's smut based on those ideas. Enjoy ;) xxx M

"Again!" Ross said to Harry.

I  watched Harry dodge another punch from Ross. I looked away from them  boxing and back down to my phone. I let out a sigh, leaning back in the  chair. I didn't know why I even came to watch Harry box. With the first  few times, it was fun to watch but now it became a waste of time. The  first time I came to see Harry box, I couldn't take my eyes off him.  Mainly because I was worried and scared of him getting hit. But after my  first few times coming to see Harry box, I was thrilled to watch.  Thrilled because Harry turned me on. 

I  had to admit Harry being rough during boxing made me feel some sort of  way. Watching him get angry was a sight to see since he was rarely ever  pissed off with me. Besides that, I took pleasure in his body getting  all sweaty. It reminded me of us during sex. Mostly, I was amused by how  strong Harry was. I always found myself drifting apart while he boxed  thinking how he could easily carry me or push me against a wall. Harry  could probably pin both my hands together in only one of his hands and I  wouldn't be able to break free. And I wouldn't mind. But this was  reality. He was the kindest person on Earth and the kindest person  wouldn't even do something like that. Despite realizing that, I still  continued to sit in on Harry's boxing lessons. I chose to to show my  support for him. Recently, it had become a waste of time.

I  was reading a book to help pass the time for Harry's workout today.  When Harry pulled the book out of my hands, I realized it did help.  Harry's workout today felt faster than other days.

"Bored of me boxing?" Harry asked me.

I kicked my feet off the chair next to me and I stood up. I noticed Harry still had his hands wrapped up.

"Your hands are still wrapped up" I pointed out. "Are you finished?"

"Yeah, love" Harry said. "He had a family emergency. Thought you would hear his phone go off"

"I didn't" I told Harry.

"Take it your book must be too good to notice" Harry said, handing my book back.

Probably better than having sex with him too, I thought.

I took my book from him.

"Do you want me to unwrap your hands?" I asked Harry.

He smiled, looking down on them. He looked back up to me.

"Of course" Harry said.

I  sat back down in the chair. Harry pulled a chair and moved it directly  across from me. He sat down. He put his hands out for me. I started to  peel off his bandage wrap. I had a  deep desire for Harry to tie me up with his wrap.

"Why you have that sad pout on your lips?" Harry asked me.

I didn't even notice I was pouting.

"Oh, nothing" I lied. "Just thinking"

"Thinking about what?" Harry asked me.

I  smiled, knowing if she told Harry, he wouldn't believe it. He would  think I was lying if I told him I wanted to be rough. Probably because I  never gave signs I wanted to be rough with him. I finished unwrapping  his hand and moved onto the other one.

"It's stupid" I said, trying to brush it off. "You probably don't want to hear it"

Harry lifted his eyebrows at me.

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