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You moved on. That was clear to him. You found happiness with a new man, according to what he saw scrolling through your social media page. All he was doing now was causing himself more pain and he knew that. Being drunk added heighten sense of that feeling to him. It was much better to feel that than remorse and despair. Each post of yours pushed him more to the edge of losing his temper, especially your recent picture post of you and your new boyfriend wearing his Rolling Stones shirt that you would casually wore to bed which you eventually stole from him and never gave back. What made him tick was your new boyfriend reaction in that pic. He was grinning. Not one of those grins that you would compare to the devils. It was one of those grins where you couldn't contain the joy you were feeling inside that it was bursting on the outside for the whole world to see. You clearly forgot about Harry. Something Harry had trouble doing when all he had the past memories of you and him on repeat.
He woke up alone in a hotel room while you woke up in another mans' arms. All the comfort he had was the blanket failing to cuddle him. It was those times where he spent alone in the early mornings that made him remind him of those precious days with you. Those days where he was woke up with peaceful loving kisses on the neck. Those days where you two would hide underneath the blanket covers and talking about your silly imagined future in attempt to escape the cold coming from outside. Those days where you two rather stay in bed all day and memorize everything about each other as you felt like you had nothing else better to do.
It wasn't one of those days today. Those days were gone. But those days and the feelings they brought became like an addiction to him. For once in his life, he finally found someone who was everything he wanted. Someone he imagines spending his rest of his life with. Someone he would do anything for, even give up his world. That all disappeared when he messed up. Well partly. You both agreed it was mutual although it felt like it wasn't. He was paying for this mistake now. He attempted to replace the sorrow you brought him with the new women he brought home every once in a while. They really brought him nothing except more pain. They just reminded him. He sometimes would wake up and foolishly say your name only from seeing the sleeping woman next to him who almost looked identical to you. Other times were like this morning.
It was mid afternoon now and there he was sitting at the dining table eating alone. He stopped scrolling through his phone and put it down. This was torture to him. He was trapped in the past trying to move on with his life which he was failing miserably at. He was clinging to the past as their was no way to escape it. You somehow always followed and caught up to him in his head. There was only one way to end it.
He picked up his phone and searched through his contacts in his phone and saw your number. He wanted to call you and wish he could take everything back and say how sorry he was to you. He tried calling you weeks before but you never answered. You never called back either. He settled his phone back down and leaned back in his chair. He knew you wanted nothing to do with him. He hoped that you would call back one day and say you were sorry too. It was unrealistic though. You two lost each other. Everything couldn't go back to what it was anymore. You both knew that.

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