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"Oh, wow!" Isaiah said out loud in shock at the sight of me.

"Can you not?" I asked him. "I didn't want to come here in the first place"

"Sorry . . . its just-" Isaiah bursted out laughing as he tried to speak.

I squinted my eyes at him. It obviously wasn't funny. I cut my lip with it being a bit swollen and I had small bruise on my forehead. I look like I had just been assaulted. Yet, here I am. Forced to come into work for a small project. I expected to get some sympathy from one of my closest friends. Guess I was wrong.

"Sorry, sorry" Isaiah apologized but still smiling. "What happened? Did your niece hit you in the face again?"

"No, and that was an accident by the way" I told him.

"You sure?" Isaiah asked me. "The bruise she left on your face said other way"

I rolled my eyes at him.

"Yes, it was" I answered him. "Two days I tripped and fell on my face in the parking lot"

"Two days ago?" Isaiah asked. "As in Harry's last concert-two days ago?"

"Yes" I told him.

"Did you tell him?" Isaiah asked. "Did you tell him and he reacted negatively so you ran out and fell trying to hide?"

I crossed my arms at him.

"I'm sorry but this is my business only" I reminded him.

"Asking because I care about you" Isaiah said. "As a friend though"

"I know that" I told him. "And thanks. No, I didn't tell him"

"You didn't?!?" Isaiah asked, astounded. "That was your last chance!"

"Last chance?" I asked, not believing his words. "I never had a chance to begin with"

"I would of!" Isaiah said out loud.

I looked down, covering the bruise on my forehead. I had a feeling that Isaiah and I attracted unwanted attention from our co-workers. I knew Isaiah cared a lot for me to be happy as I did with him but I think he cared a bit more than I did. I loved him like a brother and as a sister to him he needed to know to stop meddling in my business. The only time I allowed him to was when he was comforting me when I cried about Harry to him. Ever since then, he had been rooting for us. He had to stop wasting his time on us. Besides, Isaiah kind of gave me false hope.

"That's because you're you, Isaiah. I'm me" I explained to him. "Anyways, if you saw the way he looked at Kendall, you would feel like shit"

Isaiah laughed again.

"Kendall?" Isaiah managed to say while laughing. "You're comparing yourself to her? Her skinny long legs with no ass? Have you seen yourself in the mirror Y/N? You got ass"

I stared at Isaiah giving him a death look.

"Okay, okay . . .You know what I mean" Isaiah said. "You have what she doesn't. Bright eyes. Funny personality. A good listener"

"Don't forget dark circles . .and stubborn and ooh! no self confidence!" I added in, smiling in joy as I made fun of myself.

"That's the spirit!" Isaiah cheered me on. "High five!"

Isaiah put his hand in the air for me to hit. I gladly accepted his offer, high fiving him.

"Hey Y/N!" I heard a familiar feminine voice call me.

The excited tone of the voice hinted it was Anna, my not so former co-worker. Not so former because her and I have because her and I keep on meeting again on different projects, like this one. Our last project? Harry's tour.

HARRY STYLES IMAGINESOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara