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Fuck, I'm so late. Lou's gonna kill me. Actually worse, fire me. It's all Harry's fault. Ever since I became an assistant to Lou, I became a drag along friend for Harry. A drag along who had feelings for him.As much as I hid my feelings, over time they got stronger especially when he was around. Like last night when Harry practically forced me to watch Love Actually with him. Truly, I enjoyed these nights. They were a distraction from reality. The reality I probably wouldn't end up with him. However, these distractions had consequences like forgetting to set my stupid alarm.
I somehow managed to get in the studio in time before the show started. I ran searching for the dressing room. When I did find it I immediately saw Lou putting away makeup brushes. I walked up to her.
"You're late again" Lou said to me, despite not looking at my face.
"I can explain ...my alarm, I forgot-"
"To set it?" She asked, looking up to me.
I nodded.
"I figured. Did knobhead get in the way?"
We both looked to Harry, who was across the room talking to Mitch. Knobhead, as in Harry knobhead. He was already styled and dressed. Dressed in a black and brown striped Gucci Houndstooth vest paired with matching trousers. Dressed in the outfit I suggested him to wear last night. I couldn't help to blush out of pride and out of luck. Perhaps this is the closest I will ever be to Harry.
I was too in my thoughts to notice I was staring at them. Mitch noticed only. I looked away when Mitch looked at me. From the corner of my eye, Mitch signaled Harry that I was here. Harry started to make his way here, becoming a part of the conversation.
"Actually, yes" I said while looking at Harry.
"Aye! Did not" Harry said with a defensive tone.
It was cute, him being defensive.
"Did too. You kept glaring at me last night every time I was about to pick up my phone"
"Yeh can't watch Love Actually without giving full attention"
"Yes I can. I watched it like a hundred times before!"
"Oh shut up you two knobheads"
Harry and I looked to Lou, a bit surprised.
"Look up" Lou ordered Harry, checking his nose for any boogers.
"You work for the knobhead" I muttered under my breath.
"Heard that" Lou said as she finished checking Harry. "Clean"
"Clean the rest up, will ya?" Lou asked, obviously referring to the used makeup products and not Harry's nose.
"Sure" I said.
Lou strolled off, leaving me with Harry.
"Its yeh fault" Harry said as I started to put the makeup away.
"How so?"
"Yeh get distracted easily" Harry stated.
I stopped, astonished and conflicted with what Harry said. I don't get distracted easily. If anything, I'm more focused than anyone here.
"Not as much as you" I pointed out.
Harry smiled, crossing his arms as he looked across the room. He gave a guy a thumbs up. It's showtime for him. He looked back to me.
"Is that a bet?" He asked.
"Sure" I said, grinning with pride.
"Game on" Harry smirked at me before walking away and out the the door.
I sighed, feeling relaxed with him gone. Ever since I developed feelings for Harry, I've been on edge. About everything. Everything felt more intense when he's here. I need to get over him.
I quickly finished to put all the products away into small bags they belonged. I put the small bags in one big black tote. I carried the tote along with me as I exited the room. When I reached the corner of the hallway, I was splashed with hot steaming coffee.
"Désolé je n'ai pas vu-" I heard before stomping away in frustration.
Lou ran up, stopping me.
"You saw that, didn't you?" I asked her.
"It was amusing" She laughed.
"This has to be the worst morning ever!" I said, not exaggerating.
"It's alright. Let's get you out of this" She said as she dragged me back to the dressing room.
"To what? I don't have a change of clothes"
Lou had a hint of a grin on her lips.
"Someone does"
                                . . .
"How the hell does he fit into these jeans? They're suffocating me!"
"Just be happy you're not in your underwear" Lou said, trying to keep me from nagging about my change of clothes.
Harry's clothes, to be exact. They were the only one around. I was choking in his clothes. The smell of vanilla tobacco was consuming me. Why the hell did he have to wear skinny jeans to work today?
"I'm about to be if his baggy top keeps falling off my shoulders" I said readjusting Harry's YSL black button shirt. "I feel like I'm wearing my college tuition"
"Oh, suck it up. We'll be done quick" She said in annoyance.
The audience clapped as the show continued on after having a break. Harry performed already, only having his interview left. Thank god.Harry and the interviewer sat down at a table. He took a glimpse of some fans in the crowd. Lou and I were standing close to the stairs of the exit, visible to everyone including Harry.
Harry skimmed over the crowd with his eyes landing on us. His eyes trailed down and up my body. He gave me a confused look. I waved to him giving him a big smile, exaggerating fake excitement.
"It seems like everything has been easy for you, is it true?" The interview asked, taking Harry's attention away from me to the interview.
"Was what simple?" Harry asked, jokingly.
"Your life, everybody wants a life like yours, with One Direction ..."
Harry continued with the rest of the interview. Through it Harry kept taking a few glimpses of me. For someone who says he doesn't get distracted a lot, this interview is not an example of it. At one point of the interview, Harry bit his lip while looking at me. Was-was he flirting with me?
"Lou" I called on her.
"Yeah" She said still paying attention to the interview."Is it just me or does it seem like Harry has something for me?"
Lou chuckled. She definitely knew something.
"You only realized that now? I've seen it weeks ago"
He likes me. He actually likes me. For all those times he teased me, he flirted with me. It wasn't just my imagination.
"You didn't know?" Lou asked.
"No I didn't"
                              . . .
"I won!" I yelled to Harry as he walked down the hall.
"Won at what? Are yeh wearing me'h clothes?" He asked as he approached me.
"The bet. I should get my clothes stained by coffee more. It's fun seeing you all flustered" I smirked.
"Well yeh cheated. My clothes are off limit"
Oh whatever, sore loser.
"How bout a rematch?" He asked.
"Okay then" I crossed my arms. "Just not over another cheesy movie"
"How about over dinner?" Dinner. That sounds like a date.
"Dinner" I smiled. "Love to"

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