Chapter 19- Choices and Consequences.

Start from the beginning


"I met him as soon as I left you, he's off in general and he was the only one I told that I was going to Vegas" I said looking up slightly. "I never told him why, but he's the only one that knew I was going to Vegas and that my parents were left alone" I said, a tear rolled down my cheek. "I'm so sorry Jace"

"Hey come here" Jace said and pulled me up, wrapping me in a hug. "Don't you dare blame yourself, it wasn't your fault. We can't change the past, so don't blame yourself. You hear me, baby it wasn't yourbfault at all and I can promise you if he leaked the information that got your parents killed, and put you in this pain then I promise you with all of my heart that he will pay" I looked up at Jace to see his eyes filled with something that I didn't know what it was. His voice held determination and seriousness.

"Okay" I nodded my head.

"So wipe your tears and put your beautiful smile on your beautiful face" Jace said wiping my tears.

I couldn't help but smile at what he said. "Thank you" I said.

"And she smiles" He winked leaning in kissing me. I of course kissed him back smiling into the kiss. "I can't wait for our triplets to arrive and see what a great mother you are"

"There going to end up turning out like you" I said laughing.

"Hey you didn't seem to think there was anything wrong with me" Jace smirked. "Especially not when you slept with me"

"Shut up" I said my cheeks heating up.

"Aw sweetheart your blushing" Jace teased.

"Let's go bad boy" I said walking away.


The entire way to school was filled with laughs and smiles. He gave me butterfly's and made my breath hitched in my throat, but I loved every second I spent with him. He was my bad boy and I was his cherry bomb, and nothing would change that. "Ooh I have ideas on names" I said biting my lip.

"Okay, you going to tell me?" He asked curiously.

I whispered the names to him and he smiled. "Do you like them?" I asked.

"I love them" Jace said smiling.

"Really?" I asked squealing.

"Yes really" he said smiling.

"Okay good, then we officially have everything needed for these beautiful triplets" I said smiling.

We pulled up into school parking lot and Jace pulled up into his usual parking space. He got out and rushed out to my side helping me out. "Thanks" I said as he pulled me up.

"You sure your okay?" Jace asked shutting the car door.

"Yeah, I'm fine" I said. The bell went off "Why don't you go find Cleo and Liv, I'm going to go to the bathroom" I said.

"You sure your okay? Because we can go home if you want"

"Im fine I promise" I smiled, kissed him and walked off finding the bathroom.

Once I got to the girls bathroom I leaned against the counter looking at myself in the mirror. I was really struggling without my mum, I felt like I had nobody to talk too. I pulled my phone out and rang Cleo. "Hello?"

"Cleo, has Jace found you yet?" I asked, my voice breaking.

"No, I haven't seen him. Are you guys in school?" She asked.

"Yeah, I told him to look for you and Liv"

"What's wrong? You not going into labour are you?" Her voice sounded so excited.

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