Chapter 16: Evidence And a Bail Out

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The officer looked at A-de from his seat.

"You're absolutely sure about this?" He asked.

A-de nodded and sat back down in her seat.

"Alright. Fine. We can run a test on that knife since we didn't get to take one, but it won't do you any good. Our witness already claimed that it was you since you yelled your name out and that the person looked just like you." He said.

"You can't know 'til ya try."

"I guess you're right about that. Well, you're free to go now. That's all. You're dismissed." He said, standing up in his seat.

A-de stopped leaning against the table and got up. She walked towards the door. The officer who guided her in there opened the door and led her back to her cell.

He unlocked the cell door, pushed A-de in there, slid it back into place, and locked the cell door. He walked off.

"So where were you at?" A voice said. A-de turned to the voice. It was her cellmate. She was sitting on the floor and playing with some small, broken wall pieces.

"You always wanna know what happens to me, don't you?" A-de asked.

The cellmate looked at A-de and managed to stand up.

"If I wanna keep myself entertained, then yeah." She said.

A-de glared at her cellmate.

"Are you one of those creepy, stalkery kinds of people? You never told me what you were in for, by the way." She said.

The cellmate walked over towards A-de.

"Me? Oh, I'm just in here for stalking someone."

"Why are you in here for stalking? What'd you even do?"

"Well, you see, I thought my uncle was cheating on my aunt. I started stalking him. One night, I came way too close. From then on out, he always thought that something was off. Like he was being watched." The cellmate said.

A-de raised a brow.

"Still don't get why you're in here."

"I wasn't finished."


"As I was saying, one night I snuck into my uncle's house through the window. He heard me and rushed into his room. I hid under his bed, but he saw me. He called the police. He didn't know it was me, but by the time he pulled me out from under the bed, it was too late. He regretted it and asked the police to send me to this jail instead. So here I am." The cellmate said.

".....And he didn't bail you out." A-de said.

"He said he would, but he's too busy. I'm still waiting."

The cellmate's frown turned into a creepy grin. A-de began to get unsettled and said something due to that:

"So you're here for being a failed boogeyman."

The cellmate's creepy grin became even darker. She tilted her head as she walked closer to A-de, making her back up against the wall.

"Did I hear you incorrectly? Boogeyman, you said?"

Not saying a word, A-de lifted her right leg and put it behind the cellmate's left leg. Next, she pulled, and made the cellmate fall down.

"Why you little-!"

"Don't be so creepy next time!" A-de responded. 

Both of them were stopped when a clanging sound was heard rattling against the bars. They looked over to see it was the officer that guides A-de around.

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