Chapter 6: What's With Everyone?

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N-lo. Drawn by me.
We walked into the room and sat down. I handed the guidance counselor a pass.

"So I heard from a teacher that you two were seen fighting in the hallways more than once today. Why is that?" The guidance counselor asked, rolling towards us from behind his desk in his seat and putting the pass next to him on his desk.

We both pointed at each other.

"He/She started it!" We said at the same time.

The guidance counselor gave us a look like he wasn't amused.

I mean, the "he started it" thing is often considered childish, so I don't really blame 'im.

"I'm not asking you to tell me who started it. But why'd you guys start fighting?"

The boy who led me to the guidance counselor pointed at me.

"'Cause she started it."

The guidance counselor narrowed his eyes, closed them, and rubbed his temples.

"No. I mean why you started fighting. Was there a reason or was it random?" He asked.

"Well, he said I pushed him down yesterday at the end a' school, but I never did." I said.

"Really?" The guidance counselor asked, looking at me. Then he looked at the boy.

"O-no, is what she's saying true?"

"So that's his name, huh? O-no? Kinda funny. Must've come here multiple times." I thought.

"Yeah. She pushed me down yesterday but she was also tripping others yesterday, too."

"But he's lyin'. I never pushed 'im down. I went home and stayed home." I said.

The guidance counselor looked at us with confusion.

"Well, this is quite the predicament for me. I've never heard a scenario like this before." He said, shaking his head.

The guidance counselor looked at me.

"So what's your name?"


"A-de, did you do anything after school?"

"Yeah. I went home."

"You didn't come back to school afterwards, did you?"

I shook my head.

"Nah. Once I go home, I stay home." I replied.

The guidance counselor nodded and turned to O-no.

"O-no, are you sure you weren't seeing anyone else? A look alike, maybe?"

"It was definitely her. I asked for her name. She said A-de."

The guidance counselor looked at me.

"A-de, do you have a twin that goes here?"

"Well, no, but I have a brother that looks like me. Well, that's what people say. Maybe he put on my uniform, went to my school, and said he was me just for fun." I said.

The guidance counselor turned to O-no.

"O-no, are you sure you didn't see her brother?"

O-no looked confused and scratched his head.

"Well.....maybe it was her brother who just claimed to be her." He said.

"Yeah. He's in his room all the time, so maybe he went outside when no one was looking." I said.

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