Chapter 2: Has The Game Started Already?

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A-de's POV
When I woke up the next morning, I immediately felt like something was off, but I ignored it.

"The game worked out just fine. It appeared to you and you only. That's that." I thought as I began to put my school uniform on. After I finished with that, I ate, I grabbed my bag, and started to walk out of my home.

But then my TV turned on by itself, just like last night.

"Watch for imposters. Someone might start to look like you today." The TV said. I reached for the remote.

"Yeah yeah, I know I'm supposed to watch for imposters, but is that it?" I muttered to myself.

"You're a smart kid. You can figure it out by yourself." The TV said.

Well, that didn't confuse me at all.

I shut off the TV without saying a word in response.

I walked out of my house. I tried holding my head up high, but instead, I ended up looking down.

"This is the first time my head's been down in a while. I wonder what the TV meant.....just how do I watch for imposters? I don't even know what t' do about it."

My stomach growled. I frowned and stopped walking, looking down at it.

"Hey, shut up down there. You can wait 'til lunch, can't ya?"

My stomach growled again. I punched it.

"I said shut up!"

"So why are you punching your stomach and telling it to shut up?" Said a voice from behind me. It was N-lo.

"It keeps growlin'." I said.

She shook her head while laughing and walked next to me. We started walking to school.

"Did you eat?"


"I guess you're still hungry then." She said.

"I swear I've been even hungrier lately. It wasn't like this before grandma died, but now it is. I don't get it." I said.

"Yeah. I've lost my appetite....." N-lo said.

"Why?" I asked.

She gave me a sad look. I immediately remembered why she was sad.

"Oh! Yeah! Sorry! Guess I forgot about yer grandma for a second." I said. Her grandma died too, but she still wasn't over her death.

"It's okay."

We heard a voice from behind us. I turned around. It was N-oh.

"Hey, guys!" He said with a smile. I nodded.

"Is something wrong?" He asked.

"We just talked about our gramma's. I think I made N-lo sad." I said.

N-oh walked next to N-lo and looked at her. Then he looked back at me.

"Looks like you're right, A-de."

We continued to walk to school. H-la met up with us on the way there.

Once we got there, C-on was by her locker.

"Did anything happen, A-de?"

"You mean after playing Kokkuri-San, right?" I asked, just to make sure. C-on nodded.

"Yeah. It appeared in my room."

"WHAT?!" Everyone shouted. I didn't flinch.

"It was just there. I got a letter too, but that appeared in my dresser."

Imposter AdvisoryOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora