Chapter 13: Let's Go Visit A-de!

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Old N-oh. Drawn by me.
N-oh's POV
When I went to bed that night, I thought I should check the news, but I decided it could wait until morning.
When I woke up the next morning, I got dressed and turned the TV on. What I saw startled me.

There was a picture of A-de on the screen.

"A-de was captured by the police last night and is currently in jail." The headline said.

"No way!" I thought.

She wasn't actually sent to jail, was she?

She'd never kill someone.

There's no way that's her.

That was definitely her imposter.

I picked up the phone. The first person I called was N-lo.

"N-lo, did you hear what's on the news!? A-de was sent to jail!" I said.

"I know."

"How? Did you find out first?"

"Yes, but not just that. She came to my house." N-lo said calmly.

"You hid her?! Well, that does seem like something you'd do. Is she there now? Can I talk to her?" I asked.

"No. You can't."

"Why not? I'm coming over there right now." I said, hanging up the phone and walking out of my house. 

I walked to N-lo's house and knocked on the door. She opened up right away.

"As I was saying, you can't talk to A-de because she's not here."

"Why isn't she here?"

"I tried to hide her under my bed, but my brothers came in before I could hide her. N-ic exposed her and said he had already called the police before she came here. A-de didn't have much time to leave. She ran out of the house, but once she got outside, the police cars were surrounding our house and captured her." N-lo explained.

"Is that so?"


"Well, it's a good thing you're dressed." I said.

"Why is that a good thing, N-oh? I'm wearing the same clothes from yesterday. I could barely sleep last night because of A-de being sent to jail. That's more than just my best friend in there. That's my sister in there, my little sister." She said.

"Yeah, and little brother, as you guys say for fun sometimes. Come on. We're gathering C-on and H-la." I said, grabbing her wrist and pulling her out of the house.

N-lo closed the door behind her.


"We're gonna go visit A-de." I said.

"Right now?" She asked.

"Right now."


When we arrived at C-on's house, she was already waiting for us.

"Guys! I was just about to go to your houses, but then I decided that it'd be better if I saw you guys come to me. Are we visiting A-de?" C-on asked.

I nodded.

"You're coming with us. H-la is too, don't worry." I said. C-on nodded and started to follow us. 

When we reached H-la's house, I knocked on her door.

She opened it, but she looked......strange, to say the least.

"We're visiting H-la and you're coming with us. Also, your face looks weird."

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