Chapter 12: A-de in Jail

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I was being driven to jail. Everything happened so fast.

I started to remember Kokkuri-San and all those other horror games I had read about.

"No matter how interesting they seem, never play a game that involves spirits. Hide and seek alone, The Living Doll, Three Kings, Kokkuri-San, and others. Don't even mess with a ouija board."

I lifted my head up and looked at the policemen that were driving the car, one driving and the other sitting in a seat.

"Do you even care that you're putting an innocent person in jail?" I asked.

"Ha! That's what they all say. Don't worry, though." The officer in the seat said.

"....Why shouldn't I?" I asked.

"Well, you're just a kid. You shouldn't be worrying about stuff at your age."

"Huh? Will I be wearing a jumpsuit?" I asked.

"Yes. You'll be put in an orange jumpsuit due to what you did. Everyone in this jail wears one." He said.

"Anything else?" I asked.

"Well, in this jail, you can be bailed out." He said.


"Your friends or family members can bail you out."

"Yeah, I get that, but how?"

"Well....." The officer started to speak, but the officer driving cut him off.

"They can say they wanna bail the person out or they can explain why and we can question 'em. If we think it's good enough, you'll get bailed out now. Other times we just question people and don't do anything about it."

"Good. I could use a bail out now." I said.

The officer in the seat turned around and gave me a weird look.

"We didn't mean we'd bail you out right now, kid. That's not how it works." He said.

I leaned back in my seat.

"I thought so."

"What's with all these questions, anyway? Why do you wanna go home so badly?" The police officer who was driving the car asked.

"I'm innocent. I've said that multiple times."

"HA! That's what they all say." He said.

"........But I am. It's not funny." I replied, agitated by how they refused to believe me.

Then again, I guess I can understand, but they could at least hear me out.

"Maybe not for you, but for us it is."

"......I......yeah, I don't understand you people."

"You people? You talk like you're an alien or something." The officer in the seat said.

"My family call me Spock sometimes."

".......You seem pretty emotional to me." The one in the seat said.

"Not so much any more. My kid self was, though. So do I have a cellmate?" I asked.

"Some do, others don't. You might." The one driving said.

"Okay, but it better not be anyone creepy." I said.

"We can't count on that. Whatever cell you get put in is whatever cell you get put in, cellmate or no cellmate. That's that, kid." He said.

"Okay, okay, I get it. And what's with the "kid" thing? I'm sixteen." I said.

"Well, you're still a teenager." The one in the seat said.

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