Chapter 9: Losing It Even More and Trouble

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My eyes were closed due to the impact of the punch. I rubbed my cheek. When I opened my eyes, I saw N-lo, looking mad with a fist to her side.

"There's a lot of things you do, but going crazy like that isn't what you do, sis!" N-lo said. I continued rubbing my face as I looked down.

"Sorry. I just couldn't take it anymore, that's all."

N-oh walked up to me.

"We understand that, A-de, but that outburst was insane. I almost thought you were a diff'rent person. Seriously. You scared us all half to death. None of us were expecting that at all." N-oh said, walking up to N-lo.

"Sorry..." I said again, looking down. Then I lifted my head up to look at my friends.

"I'm sorry. I didn't know what to do. Sometimes when I get really mad I lose it like I just did. I know my temper isn't as bad as it was, but I still have it, and it won't go away one day. I can repress it, sure, but it's always gonna be there." I said.

"We get that, little bro, but still. You probably should've kept it for home." N-lo said.

I just looked at her and shrugged, not knowing what else to say.

"Sorry." I said again.

"What's with all the apologies? You really have changed since your grandma died, A-de." N-oh said, walking closer to me.

"I just can't think of anything else to say 'cept sorry for my yell. And besides, I didn't even cry, which really got to me." I said.

N-oh grabbed my shirt collar.

"Just remember one thing. One more outburst like that again and I'll punch you just like N-lo did, but harder."

I put my hands up as if surrendering.

"Chill, bro. You've changed a lot too, y'know." I said.


"You used to be nice. One day you came to school not caring, started procrastinating on your work, and started to not care...." I said, taking his hand off my shirt collar.

"....Just like me." I finished, walking closer to him.

"She's not wrong, N-oh." N-lo said.

"I....guess you're right." N-oh said.


Then H-la and C-on walked up to us.

"Still though. Did you have to punch her, N-lo?" H-la asked.

"To keep her sane, yes." N-lo said.

C-on started to look me over.

"Why're you-"

"I don't see you becoming green." She said.

"Oh. Ha ha ha. Very funny." I said.

Of course, I didn't find it funny, but I understood the reference.

Then she started walking away. She had a diff'rent fifth period class than me and my friends did.

I turned to everyone in the class to see a few people staring at me. There were probably more staring at me once I yelled.

But of course, who wouldn't stare then? There was a crazy kid in the back of the classroom who was yelling about a fight and laughing like a lunatic.

I glared at everyone as I gripped my right fist in my left hand, cracking my knuckles while doing so.

"What? You wanna fight me?" I asked darkly, my voice deepening a little.

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