
"You like spreading around my business, don't you?" said Mr Wilson as soon as he and Tasha were outside. He quickly shut the door behind him.

Tasha crouched down and patted Max who was lying on his bed, "Cody is still a secret? I think it would be a little hard to keep your son a secret now that he is staying with us," replied Tasha, getting very sick of Mr Wilson telling her off all the time.

"He is, but why did you have to tell your friends?"

"Oh, I don't know," Tasha snapped, getting frustrated, "maybe because they are my friends and friends talk about things."

"And Cody just happened to come up in conversation, did he?" replied Mr Wilson, still not happy.

Well, of course he did. Tasha was forced to share her room when he was staying and that wasn't very fun. So of course, she was going to tell the others why she was tired or why she wasn't concentrating in class.

"Yes, he did," said Tasha, "what is your problem? So I told a few of my friends that you have a son. What is the big deal?"

"The big deal is that you had no right to tell them that I have a son."

"Uh, yeah, I kind of do," Tasha snapped.

"Why's that?" Mr Wilson crossed his arms over his chest.

"I live here, too, so I have every right to tell people about the people living with me."

Mr Wilson just glared at Tasha.

"And," Tasha continued, "I have to share my room with him and I have every right to complain about my lack of sleep when I can't concentrate in class and then I get a bad mark."

Mr Wilson just glared at Tasha again.

Tasha was so angry right now. It seemed that everything she did with Mr Wilson was wrong and the way he was treating her was so unfair. She hated it how Mr Wilson was still determined to keep Cody a secret even though there was no point. It was stupid and Tasha hated Mr Wilson's anger.

"But you went and told them without my permission," Mr Wilson continued.

Tasha was having enough right now, "fine," she said, "I won't tell my friends anything, and next time Catania smiles at me, I will ask you if I can have your permission to tell Adam."

Tasha now felt the tears come to her eyes.

Mr Wilson was now strangely silent.

"Oh," Tasha said, now feeling a lot of tears, "and I almost forgot. Her first word. Don't worry. I won't tell anyone."

Mr Wilson edged forward to Tasha and went to place his hands on Tasha's shoulders, "Tasha, I didn't mean it that way."

Tasha backed away, "no, I don't care," she cried, "I am seriously sick of the way you are treating me and I have had it. I am going to be talking to Amy about this and maybe she can make you see sense."

Then Tasha stood up after giving Max a hug and then she sped off to her room. As she passed the lounge room, she lowered her eyes because she did not want the guys to see her crying.

Tasha made it to her room and she fell onto her bed. She then buried her head in her pillow and she cried. She would not be able to put up with Mr Wilson's anger and rudeness anymore and she couldn't wait for Amy to get home so she could talk to her about this.

Tasha wasn't able to cry in peace for long when she felt someone's hand on her back. Tasha rolled over and she saw Adam looking at her with concern.

High School Story: University Continues (re-written)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu