Musical Snowy Weather

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The wind tousled my hair as I craned my neck to see Medoh. Like all the others, it had gone silent. Tired of waiting around for Link to get back from the Elder's house, I went to see how Rito Village had changed. It was one of the first times Link had let me wander around by myself.

Walking away from the shrine, I heard small Rito voices complaining about having to practice again. Coming closer to the steps, I saw the children walking towards me with their father. Without a doubt, the father was Kass.

When he looked up, he stopped short. Unlike when he first met Link, he couldn't hide his surprise. Kass knew exactly who we were. He had kept our picture with the other champions after all.

He then smiled, continuing to walk up the steps, "Good morning."

I smiled back, "Good morning to you as well."

I stepped to the side so he could pass by me. I watched as he crossed the bridge over to where the shrine was. He went up on the platform next to it. His daughters promptly followed him like ducklings. All of them stared at me as they walked by, however. The last daughter ended up staring too long as she tripped. A cute squeak came out of her as she fell.

Quickly, I helped her, brushing some of her blue feathers. She smiled at me and then spread her wings out to give me a hug.

"Thank you!" she said before wobbling off to Kass.

Curious, I walked back to the platform. Kass played his accordion while his daughters warmed up their voices. The small blue one noticed that I had followed, and she waved me over.

Kass stopped playing. I held my hands together out in front of me, "I'm sorry for intruding. I just wanted to listen. If that's alright."

"You're welcome too. I've been wanting to know someone else's opinion on this song anyway," he replied, a sparkle in his eye.

"What song?" the green feathered child asked.

"The one about the princess, Genli!" the yellow girl next to her said.

Kass nodded to his girls and then he started to play the tune. I listened as this time he let his daughters join him in singing, unlike the time he performed it for Link.

An ancient hero, a Calamity appears,

Now resurrected after 10,000 years

Her appointed knight gives his life,

Shields her figure, and pays the price.

The princess's love for her fallen knight

Awakens her power

And within the castle

The Calamity is forced to cower.

But the knight survives!

In the Shrine of Resurrection he sleeps,

Until from his healing dream he leaps!

For fierce and deadly trials await.

To regain his strength.

Fulfill his fate.

To become the hero once again!

To wrest the princess from evil's den!

The hero, the princess

Hand in hand

Must bring the light back to this land.

My eyes met up with Kass's as the song ended. Then he set down his accordion and got on one knee. His girls looked at him, confused.

The Legend of Zelda: The Silent PrincessHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin