Skyward Bound Part 3

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I looked up at Link as he flew ahead of me. Since we were children, we always stuck with each other to get through the present. Only from time to time did we think about the future. As I dropped my gaze, I wondered where the two of us would be in a couple of years. I wondered if he would ever choose a girl to marry.

". . . Link? Hey, Link!" I shouted over the wind.

He turned my way, his Loftwing slowing down. I didn't know what came over me, but I found everything slipping right off my tongue. All of it even sounded natural, like I planned it out in my mind.

"Today was amazing. Watching you win the race and performing the ritual together . . . I'll always remember this," I paused as I looked at the face I loved so dearly in my heart, "It really was wonderful."

"I'll remember it forever too," he said with a warm smile.

I smiled back, only to look away. For whatever reason, since that dream I had, I felt like my days were going by quickly like I wouldn't be there next to Link. It scared me, but at the same time, I felt like I deserved that somehow.

"You know . . . Link . . ." I thought about what I was going to say. It was one thing to tell him about the voices but to admit that I thought something awful was going to happen to me was completely different. "There's something I've been meaning to talk to you about . . ."

Before I could tell him about my fear and the pit in my stomach, a sudden blast came our way. We both looked ahead of us to see what it was. The pit dug deeper inside me as if I knew that this must be it. My shock, however, did not disappear.

"What is that?" I asked as a dark clouded tornado entered our path. I had never seen the likes of a whirlwind such as that.

Our birds tried to steer us away from it, but it was as if the tornado was chasing us down. Correction, chasing me down.

"What's going on?" I questioned as I only got closer and closer to it.

Then the whirling wind sucked me off my Loftwing. I screamed out Link's name as I fell just like in the dream. I saw Link go after me, but instead of getting sucked in, it pushed him away along with his Loftwing.

"Link . . ." I whispered as everything around me went black.

A voice, the same voice that had been calling to me, said, "Your Grace, your hero will awaken. My journey with him will commence."

Then Link was suddenly with me again. I gasped, wondering how he had gotten there. He reached out to me just as he had done in my dream. I tried grabbing his hand but I heard a roar behind me. I screamed as I fell into the mouth of a black creature.

My eyes flashed open, only to realize that it had been a repeat of the same dream, except it wasn't. The voice, that had not happened the first time. I proceeded to look at my surroundings. Little birds pecked at the ground around me. I was not in Skyloft, and I was not on any other island. The ground felt different, more steady and solid. It was strange. The trees were larger too.

Looking over some more, I noticed a huge structure and a strangely dressed older woman stood nearby, watching me. I got to my feet as she turned away from me, walking into the structure. I blinked wondering what I should do. I saw no one else around, so I followed her steps, walking into the odd building made entirely out of stone. It appeared aged.

Inside the building, I was awed by how tall it was. I could not spend too much time studying the beauty of the place when the old woman's voice said to me, "I've been waiting for you for a very long time . . . Zelda."

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