Lost in Thought

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I gasped as I found myself back in the Spirit Realm. The other Zelda appeared before me again. Instead of wearing her white apparel, however, she wore her pink dress. All of what I witnessed was a mess in my mind, but the truth had been revealed to me.

"So Link and I were fated to do this since we were born. The blood of the goddess and the spirit of the hero. And Calamity Ganon is the force of hatred from Demise."

She nodded. "Yes, that is correct. Now you see, Princess, if there is anyone to blame for what has transpired it would be my fault, not yours. The guilt you feel is Hylia's."

"Demise said reincarnation. Does that mean I . . . but that doesn't make sense when . . . even in your memories, you seemed . . ." I couldn't wrap my mind around it.

She smiled, "Only I was the goddess reborn as I mortal, but you share my blood and my memories, therefore there isn't much difference between us . . . is there?"

"And what of the hero?" I asked, "Does he not share the blood of those before him?"

She laughed, "If he did, then you'd be related. Well, not that it would matter. Many years pass before another chosen hero arrives, so the relation would be faded." Her features became neutral again, " When Hylia, the goddess Hylia, first witnessed her brave hero's death, she made sure his spirit would live on in others . . . whether that passed on through blood or not. Of course, Demise gave out a similar curse to me and my hero, Link. And you'll soon see his anger followed wherever the goddess' blood and the spirit of the hero went. You are a part of that. I'm sorry."

All the prayers I ever said to Hylia rushed back to me. The ones that hit me the most were of when I grew angry with her. All that time she felt more pain than I ever have as she saw what cycle she had started.

I set my hand on her shoulder. "I'm glad to know that your blood and mine are the same. I wouldn't want it any other way. You showed me my place and that, even though we're in a never-ending circle, we can have happy beginnings."

She smiled kindly, "I thank you for your confidence. My time with you has run out, Princess. My years of fighting Calamity Ganon are over. The next daughter of Hyrule that called to you is waiting to aid you in this battle as you aid with hers."

I quickly grabbed onto her hand as she was about to disappear. "Wait, there's another?"

A smile came to her face. Her hand faded out of my reach as she turned into golden fragments. I stood there alone, wondering how many years had already gone by. Two, three . . . ten?

I stood in the same spot for a long time. There was nothing for me to do or anything new to see. I wondered where the next daughter of Hyrule was. At least I understood why I went through what I did. It gave me peace in knowing that hope glowed more than I knew.

Then the water below me shined. I closed my eyes, ready to be taken into the eyes of whatever daughter of Hyrule was next. I needed to learn the history of my great kingdom. Instead of feeling myself going to someone else's history, I realized I was still standing in the same spot with the water tickling my feet.

Slowly I opened my eyes, confused. Abruptly, the sound of a monster breathing echoed into my ear. I spun to look behind me to see that Demise was standing behind me. His eyes glowed the awful burning colors of flames.

"How are you . . . !" I gasped, not knowing what to ask.

He grinned, showing sharp teeth. His large hand stretched towards my face. Before he could touch me, his skin shed like a snake's. In his place was a Gerudo man who had similar features. The man was much quicker than Demise, however, as he rushed forward.

I staggered back into the shallow water. Again, just as his hand was about to touch me, something intervened. That time it was as if the water got deeper. I suddenly fell into it like it was ice on a lake that shattered. I heard the sound of the water around my ears and then the sound of nothing.

In the water, a little girl floated above me. She wore a headdress that reminded of me the one I was forced to wear when I was younger. Her blue eyes stared at me as I sank deeper into the water. Her mouth moved with no sound.

Then my ears seemed to open to what she said to me, "We do some much, but in the end, time falls on top of us."

So here is a shorter chapter after that long one. And I may say that I love Fire Emblem music. I chose the song because someone combined it with the Ballad of the Goddess. Because the original music fits the chapter's mood better, I put that at the top. Here's the one I was talking about though. I love it so much! Vote, comment, and keep smiling!

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