Mipha's Grace

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Countless days had gone by as Link searched the area for shrines and towers. After witnessing Link head into the shrine where only his strength was tested, I was glad that I had not accidentally found a way to get into a shrine one hundred years ago.

After doing several shrines where he battled guardians, he had gained enough materials to Purah's liking. He had also come across Robbie. In which he relit Robbie's furnace as well. And to my relief, Robbie had not made himself younger, though he was shorter nevertheless. Using the slate, Link headed over to Purah's lab.

Purah beamed with delight as he handed her what she needed. After that, new updates were given to the slate so Link could use its features consistently without waiting a long period of time. The best extension he received, however, was the addition to the shrine sensor. Whatever pictures he took, he could then track down that certain material or object. Not only that, but Link could also get pictures from the past. Pictures I had taken. However, the pictures downloaded would always be selected at random. I only wished I had taken more pictures of people. It would have no doubt been of use to recovering Link's memory.

Getting over my regrets, I watched as Link took a different path. I noticed right away that he was heading in the direction of Zora's Domain. I was stunned as it suddenly poured. Seeing a tower, he climbed up it before exploring anything else.

Once he got the portion of the map he needed, he then heard a gasp. Looking around, he spotted a Zora who was also on the tower with him. This was indeed curious. Later to find out that the Zora had been in the wrong place at the wrong time, meaning when all the towers burst from the ground.

Though the Zora was scared to death to even consider there was a safe way down, he was helpful. He explained to Link that Prince Sidon was looking for someone to save the Domain from the rains apparently caused by Ruta. If the rain kept going, the dam would soon break and destroy all settlements nearby.

Having his paraglider, Link jumped off the tower and flew down, leaving the Zora speechless at how effortless Link had made it look. On the way to where the Zora had said he saw Prince Sidon, Link spotted another shrine, which he completed quickly.

Upon seeing Link, Prince Sidon jumped down from the tower just as gracefully as Mipha would have done, landing perfectly. To my shock, the once small and adorable prince loomed over Link. As we arched our necks up, his chin brushed his chest.

"Pardon the entrance, but you're a Hylian, aren't you?" he said in a smooth rich voice while spreading his arms wide, "I was hoping perhaps you'd have a moment to talk . . ."

After Link confirmed to Sidon that he was a Hylian, Sidon remembered that he had yet to tell Link who he was. Just as he had done when he was younger, he thrust his arm upward as his pearly whites gleamed. Instead of appearing cute as he was years ago, the action drew attention to his charm.

"I am Sidon, the Zora prince! And what is your name? Go on, please tell me!" Link's answer made Sidon think for a moment. Once he made the connection (or at least I thought he did), his enthusiasm increased. "Link? Your name is Link?! What a fantastic name!"

The truth was revealed when Sidon placed his hand on his chin, again trying to recall the connection. Soon, he dismissed it and went on to tell Link why he had called to him. He told Link of the dangers of the rainfall continuously pouring down and requested that Link make his way to the domain. He did warn that the trip wouldn't be easy with monsters lurking about, especially the electric ones.

"Don't give up! I believe in you!" he said, while his teeth gleamed once again. I squeezed my eyes shut as I remembered the day I had asked Mipha to become a champion. That day she had said the same thing he was telling Link.

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