Spring of Courage

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The next morning there was a buzz of conversation between my two maids. Apparently, we had some guests at the castle. Listening intently to what they said, I figured it was Urbosa and the Fortune Teller. Hearing that made me smile. I hadn't seen Urbosa since Mother died, which would be exactly a year and three months. Unfortunately, I knew that having the Fortune Teller here wasn't good news. It meant Father would be speaking with her once again.

If I failed in the spring, I knew it would worry him. He hated not having everything set up like he wanted it to. The relics didn't seem to work, the sword that seals the darkness was stuck in its pedestal, and his own daughter couldn't connect with her ancestors. He had no power over anything.

Once I was dressed for the day in a white ceremonial dress, I was allowed to do as I pleased until mid-day. My thoughts wandered as I myself walked aimlessly in the corridors.

I mostly thought of how cold the spring water would be in a dress. As sacred as the spring was, I didn't understand why I had to dress in something that would only make me freeze and shiver. Despite that gloomily thought, I knew better than to question it. If this was going to work, I had to stay positive. The Spring of Courage was in the jungle, so the water could be warm. It was the Spring of Wisdom that would be freezing. At least I didn't have to wear my headdress.

With that happy thought, I came upon the Cabinet Room. I could hear voices inside. The Fortune Teller, the Chief, Father, and Urbosa. I stopped walking and pressed my ear against the door, glad no guards were standing watch outside. That was probably due to the confidential nature of the meeting and the fact that Hyrule's most skilled knight was inside along with Urbosa. I had not seen her fight, but something told me she could go toe to toe with the Chief. After all, Urbosa was a Chief herself. If anyone tried stepping into that room, they'd be sorry.

"What if it doesn't work?" Father's voice asked.

"Then she'll have to repeat the process again at the two springs," the Fortune Teller said, clearly referring to me. "The Princess is still very young. Not all gain the power as quickly as your mother-in-law, Your Majesty. It could take some time."

"But do we have that kind of time?" he questioned, something he asked every time the Fortune Teller visited.

"Like always, I do not know for sure," she replied, "Have you located the sword at least?"

Father gave a huff, "Yes, we found it inside the Lost Woods under the protection of the Great Deku Tree. Apparently, he has been waiting for us for a long time. The blade was truly the work of a goddess."

There was a chuckle from Urbosa, "Let me guess, you tried to pull it out?"

"Yes," Father said, sounding like he thought it was foolish of him to even try, "Just trying to touch the sword made me weak. Perhaps the fairy tales still hold the key to who can wield it."

Another laugh from Urbosa. Her gall to not only once, but twice scorn the King was, in my eyes, quite admirable. Even I didn't dare to laugh or giggle at Father's mistakes, big or small. Considering I didn't hear a clash between them, Father must have been used to her bold behavior.

"I think, Sire, calling the texts fairy tales is far from the truth at this point. Even if only one of the timelines is ours, I highly doubt the rest should be considered false just because they aren't our official history," she stated, "And all of them contain a skilled swordsman that obtains one of the legendary scared swords, including the blade that seals the darkness."

There was a pause in the conversation. I waited patiently to hear what Father would say next. Before he spoke, there was some shuffling in the room.

"Tell me," Father started, "Do you truly believe your son could defeat you in a match?"

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